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In-depth Knowledge Section 4: Inclusive Events


‘Diversity Days’ are celebrated on different days in different countries

We operate in different legislative, cultural, and political environments

The physical spaces our campuses occupy vary in their accessibility

We operate primarily inan online environment

We work in 3 different time zones

Our partners come from 10 different countries in Europe, with 9 different national languages

The YUFE context… is complex!And needs unravelling to create more inclusive and equitable events.


Taking time at this stage to think through these questions will help to make your event more inclusive Remember…our approach and decisions will be influenced by our own unconscious biases

Have you considered diversity in relation to this? Have you spoken to the Chair/Facilitator/Lead about their role in ensuring the event is inclusive?

Who is your target audience?

Are you clear about the purpose of the event and the outcomes you what you want to achieve? Have you considered diversity and inclusion outcomes in relation to this?

Who is involved in organising the event? Is there an opportunity to get input from a broader group of people to obtain a range of perspectives?

Some general points to consider at the pre-planning stage



  • Consider communication channels that will attract a broad range of participants e.g., discussion lists, forums, networks
  • Consider using different communication methods e.g., social media, email, flyers
  • Promote accessible and inclusive facilities
  • Consider the language you use

Theme and speakers

  • Consider whether the proposed theme is likely to attract a diverse group of speakers
  • Take steps to ensure that the theme does not lead to further marginalisation of groups who are already disadvantaged or under-represented
  • Consider the avenues you use to identify potential speakers
  • Consider inviting an ‘external expert’, e.g., someone who is not a member of the committee discussing this, to share their perspective on the theme

Inclusion considerations in relation to.....


Physical accessibility

  • Ensure the event space is accessible to wheelchair users and those with other mobility impairments
  • Give participants a pre-event opportunity to disclose any physical access requirements, e.g., reserved parking
  • Consider providing a space for people to use to take a break from the event for religious observance, administering medication or breast-feeding/expressing milk


  • Avoid school holidays and outside of ‘core hours’
  • Avoid national or religious holidays
  • Consider the different time zones YUFE operates in and avoid the event taking place either early in the morning or into the evening for colleagues in CET+ or – 1 hour
  • Give as much notice as possible
  • For regular meetings try to rotate the day and/or timing

Inclusion considerations in relation to.....


Format and management

  • Set out the ‘rules of engagement’ using the framework of the YUFE Community Code of Conduct
  • Encourage the use of pronouns on Zoom/MS Teams or during introductions to make people of all genders feel included
  • Consider formats that foster collaboration and interaction
  • Make Chairs aware of the need to encourage diversity of views and challenge inappropriate behaviour
  • Consider rotating the Chair

Intellectual accessibility

  • Factor in appropriate breaks
  • Reserve seating at the front with those with hearing or visual impairments
  • Consider using a translator
  • Give participants a pre-event opportunity to disclose any intellectual access requirements e.g., the need for a sign language interpreter
  • Ensure any videos used have sub-titles
  • Ensure any visual content is accompanied by audio content
  • Let participants know in advance if there will be any flashing, flickering or strobe lighting

Inclusion considerations in relation to.....


Taking time at this stage to think through these questions will help you to make future events even more inclusive!

What opportunities can be given after the event for participants to provide feedback on their experiences in relation to how inclusive the event was? What are the organisers’ views on how inclusive the event was and how to make a future event more inclusive? What lessons, or examples of good practice were learnt and how might these be shared with others? How would you assess the inclusivity and accessibility of the event?

Some general points to consider at the post-event stage


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