Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Part of a digital asset produced on MSc Digital Scholarship Practicum at the Pitt Rivers Museum


Very small round pot, reddish, the outside decorated with pointed knobs. Southern Nigeria. PRM 1942.13.744.

Very small round pot, reddish, the outside decorated with pointed knobs. Southern Nigeria. PRM 1942.13.744.

Interior view of a face mask from Okorosia masquerade. Southern Nigeria. PRM 1938.15.12.

Interior view of a face mask from Okorosia masquerade. Eziama and Orlo village groups, Imo State, Southern Nigeria. PRM 1935.73.2

Museum label written directly onto the back top corner of a carved and painted wooden sculpture of two human figures on four-legged pedestal, representing a spirit. Aboh, Delta State, Nigeria. PRM 1902.9.29