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Participatory Budgeting (PB) Guidance 2024-25


The PB Charter

PB can help to...

What is PB?

PB is an innovative and effective mechanism to engage with parents/carers and learners, in particular those who face barriers to participation. PB directly involves people in participating in budgeting decisions that will have a direct impact on improving their lives.It can engage people who would not normally participate with traditional forms of communication. PB is one way to support meaningful learner voice by giving learners a say in the decisions which affect them but it is also a way to encourage active citizenship and positive participation in their local communities.It has been used to engage learners, parents/carers and the wider school community while lowering the cost of the school day and incentivising attainment.3% of the overall WLC PEF budget is allocated to PB.

  • Build more confident and active young people as citizens
  • Provide a real experience of democracy in action
  • Strengthen learner voice
  • Realise children's rights to participate in decisions that affect them
  • Offer a positive engagement experience and strengthen school culture by building positive relationships

The PB Charter sets out 7 key features showing what a fair and high quality PB process should look like. It aims to ensure that PB is inclusive, using methodology that promotes participation and engagement. The Charter is a co-produced resource, developed by people with experience of PB processes in Scotland, including those from equality groups, community organisations and public bodies.

Laura Wilson, Community Planning and Community Choices Lead Officer, is happy to support schools with PB processes. Contact her at laura.wilson2@westlothian.gov.uk

The PB Charter

The Lundy Model of Child Participation

PB in Schools

UNCRC Articles

PB - evidence and ideas

FVWLRIC Youth Voice Framework

Participatory Budgeting in Schools...click here to find out more

PB in Schools

PB in Schools

Click here to access the PB Charter

The PB Charter

Click here to find out more about the Lundy Model of Child Participation

PB...evidence and ideasClick here to find out more

PB - evidence and ideas

FVWLRIC Youth Voice Framework...click here to find out more