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Aeronautical Engineering Group 18601



  • Corona Sánchez Oscar Jesús
  • Hernández Sandoval Andrea
  • López Sanchez Osmar Yael
  • Magdaleno Sanchez Emmanuel
  • Márquez Romero Daniela
  • Olivares Flores Azalia Haniel


Front page











The Airport Identification Card is a document issued to people employed at airports or to those who for other reasons require authorization to access said facilities or any other restricted part(s) thereof, for the purpose to facilitate their access and individual identification. (1)


The Airport Identification Card is a document issued to people employed at airports or to those who for other reasons require authorization to access said facilities or any other restricted part(s) thereof, for the purpose to facilitate their access and individual identification. (1)


The objectives of this project are to publicize the different types of TIAS that are in an airport, as well as to indicate what access each of them has.Deliver a model that explains each area where the different types of TIAS can enter.





All visitors authorized to access restricted areas must be escorted by personnel with a valid permanent airport identification card. The visitor's TIA will be valid for a maximum of 24 hours. (2) The applicant must submit the visitor's airport identification card when the expiration date is met.(2)

TIA - Visitor

This type of card is issued to any non-resident person who needs to have access to the areas of the aeronautical part or restricted areas in order to carry out the tasks assigned to them. (2)The card will have a maximum validity of 90 calendar days and may be renewed according to the provisions established in the Local Airport Security Program. (2)

TIA - Temporary

This type of card is issued to any employee who permanently performs functions within the Airport, with a maximum validity of 2 years. (2)

TIA - Permanent

Gray: General aviation,hangar area.

Abode: Platform.

Blue: Platform,terminal building, roomlast wait andbaggage claim.

Orange: Roomlast wait andbaggage claim

Color code

Green: Public area

Pink: Baggage claim room

Red: All areas

Black: AuthoritiesFederal

Color code

Any person carrying an airport identification card will undergo security procedures

Carrying the airport identification card does NOT exempt you from checks at security points

Personal and non-transferable, and only allows theaccess to the security areas contained in the card.

According to the “Mandatory Circular” in chapter 7, omitted in July 2016, anyone who carries an airport identification card has the following responsibilities:


  • Do not carry the airport identification card in a visible place. Carrying the card on your waist is strictly prohibited.
  • Carrying and attempting to enter with another person's airport identification card.
  • Attempt to enter restricted security areas other than authorized areas.
  • Attempting to enter restricted security areas with an expired airport identification card.
  • Forgery of the airport identification card and/or provisional permit.
  • Security, Operations and/or Aeronautical Authority personnel may withdraw the airport identification card if they detect any person who does not comply with the security and operation procedures established by the airport.
  • Misuse of the airport identification card will be sanctioned by the airport authority in accordance with the Airport Law and its reg


All TIA airport identification cards must be issued by the Concessionaire or Airport Permit Holder who will designate the person responsible for the airport identification card system and the access control system to the restricted zone and sterile zone. (1)

Who issues them?

(1) "QUE ESTABLECE LOS LINEAMIENTOS PARA ESTABLECER EL SISTEMA DE TARJETAS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN AEROPORTUARIA PARA PERSONAS Y VEHÍCULOS, EN LOS AERÓDROMO CIVILES", 12 DICIEMBRE 2022 https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/785457/co-sa-17-5-16-r1-15122022.pdf(2) Octubre, Ú. Y). GUIA DE USO TARJETAS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN AEROPORTUARIA (TIAS) . Com.Mx. Recuperado el 13 de mayo de 2024 de https://www.aeropuertodetoluca.com.mx/tramiteTIAS/Documents/TIA.pdf(3)Octubre, Ú. Y). GUIA DE USO TARJETAS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN AEROPORTUARIA (TIAS) . Com.Mx. Recuperado el 16 de junio de 2024 de https://www.aeropuertodetoluca.com.mx/tramiteTIAS/Documents/TIA.pdf

Bibliographic references