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eTwinning Project

Our Common Story


In today's interconnected world, understanding and addressing the impact of bullying and peer aggression is more important than ever. This activity aims to raise awareness, foster empathy and encourage positive change through the power of storytelling. By writing and sharing your stories, you will not only enhance your creative and language skills but also contribute to a deeper understanding of how peer violence affects individuals and communities. Let’s use our voices to inspire empathy, support and solutions for a kinder, more inclusive environment.

In the busy halls of Lincoln High, where everyone should be happy and talking, there's something not right. Sarah knows this feeling too well. She feels it every day, the way people look at her and whisper when she walks by. She used to be cheerful, making everyone laugh, but now she keeps her head down, hoping nobody will notice her. The bullies are like shadows, always around, saying things that hurt more than any punch. It's like a war between friends and enemies, and Sarah and others like her are stuck in the middle, trying to stay okay while bullying messes with their feelings.

Aynur Korkmaz & Her Team Students / SAIHL

One particularly gloomy Monday morning, as Sarah trudged through the crowded halls clutching her books tightly to her chest, she felt the weight of everyone's eyes on her. She heard snippets of conversation, cruel laughter echoing around her. It was as if the whispers formed a sinister soundtrack to her daily torment. As she turned a corner, she bumped into Mark, one of the ringleaders of the bullies. His smirk was enough to make her heart sink. "Watch where you're going, loser," he sneered, shoving her aside with a force that sent her stumbling into the lockers. The metallic clang reverberated in her ears as she struggled to regain her balance, cheeks burning with humiliation.

Nida Başkurt & Her Team Students / Hacı Kemal Kadooğlu Secondary School

Sarah started running through the halls to escape once more ...she felt tears prickling at her eyes, slowly, threatening to come out and flow like a river, while the whole school was watching. She couldn’t resist the feeling anymore and, as her head became a jumbled-up mess of thoughts and worries echoing in her mind like spirits that haunted her in her wake, she ran to the bathrooms and locked herself in a stall. As soon as it was closed, her back hit the door and she slid to the floor, knees to her chest, sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn’t stand this anymore. She was tired of the bullies, of being made fun of, of the eyes watching her like hawks in the halls, of everyone giggling and smirking at her as she passed by, of everything. She was sick of it. How was she supposed to get out of this situation?

Giovanna Agrillo & Her Team Students / Liceo statale N.Jommelli Italy

In the dimly lit bathroom stall, Sarah felt suffocated by the weight of her emotions. Each tear that escaped her eyes carried with it a silent plea for escape for relief from the relentless torment she faced day in and day out. As she sat there lost in her thoughts the sound of footsteps outside the stall snapped her back to reality. Sarah held her breath, praying that whoever it was would leave her alone. But instead of the expected silence, she heard a gentle voice calling out to her. "Sarah? Are you in there?" It was Emily, a classmate who had always been kind to her but seemed to keep her distance lately. Sarah hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to respond. But something in Emily's tone urged her to unlock the stall door.

Ivana Miletic & Her Team Students / Prirodoslovna škola Split

Emily tried again : "Sarah? Are you in there? I'm worried about you!". Sarah felt these words as a lifeboat in her emotional flooding and decided to open the stall door. Emily was standing there, waiting for her. "It was incredible" thought Sarah. How was it possible that someone is willing to help her?Tears came out and flowed like a river. a huge hug from Emily let all emotions get out.Emily was there for Sarah. She wanted to help her not feeling alone anymore and they could find a way to get out of this terrible situation together. The two girls decided to talk with adults. The question was "Who could we talk with?", maybe parents?, bur Sarah didn't want to worry them and teacher were always so busy."Why don't we try to talk to Mr Jones, the ICT Teacher?", said Emily.Mr Jones is always so nice and the boys of our school see him as a model to follow.

Serena Parente & Her Team Students / Scuola media "Amaldi", Rome, Italy

During that period, Mr. Jones just happened to have some free time, giving him the chance to have a little chat. "Mr. Jones, could we have a quick chat with you?" They said waliking into his office. "Of course, come on in. Is everything alright?” he asked. Sarah felt her body shiver in fear. “What will happen now?”, “Can he really help me?”, “Was I maybe just overreacting?”… Emily realised Sarah's zoning out and confronted her right away that there’s nothing to worry about. Sarah quickly brushed it off as Emily helped her explain her situation, stating that one of students, Mark, has inflicted tons of torment towards her. Mr. Jones was shocked. “It never crossed my mind that he was capable of something like that; he always seemed..." The girls exchanged confused glances. "Well, he was always seen as the friendly, caring guy in class who never caused any trouble. Also, he's one of my top students and he has always participated in ICT competitions, at least he did” Mr. Jones added, leaving Sarah and Emily in disbelief. "I'm sorry you're going through this, Sarah. I promise you, he will be dealt with accordingly," Mr. Jones assured them with sincerity.

Iliana Gudelj & Her Team Students / Prirodoslovna škola Split

The next day Mr. Jones requested Mark to stay after class. He warned him that if the bullying continues he would face serious consequences. However, during the lunch break Mark angrily approached Sarah in the cafeteria. “Sarah you little brat, how dare you snitch on me?!” he screamed. Sarah froze in fear. Emily jumps out of her chair screaming back at him: “Leave her alone Mark!” Mark turned to Emily: “Who do you think you are to defend her? Stay out of this.” As Emily was thinking about what to say, Sarah regained her confidence and stood up to Mark: “She’s my best friend and how dare YOU talk to her that way” Mark mumbled: “I can’t believe she talked back to me.” and furiously walked out of the cafeteria. As he was leaving, Emily excitedly looked at Sarah: “You finally did it! You stood up for yourself!”

Hajdi Jelaska Relja & Her Team Students / Prirodoslovna škola Split

Mr. Jones called Sarah and Emily into his office to talk about the break incident during the last bell. "Sarah, Emily, please come in and have a seat," he said. "Sarah, you deserve my admiration for standing up for yourself." Sarah took a big breath. "Although I was afraid, I'm pleased I faced him. Simply put, I doubt it will deter him." Mr. Jones gave a contemplative nod. Bullies use fear as a technique of control. However, we need to take further action to prevent harm to you and make him responsible." Emily asked, What actions can we take to make sure Mark doesn't act in this way going forward? "I'll meet with Mark and his parents again," was Mr. Jones' response. He will be subject to severe punishments, including suspension if he fails to agree with our stringent anti-bullying policy. In the meantime, report any new problems right away. Mark was noticeably absent the following day, which led to speculation that he had been suspended. Though relieved, Sarah was worried about his coming back. Sarah started smiling and laughing more as she and Emily focused on their education and their supporting friends. She was shocked when he came up to her and said, "Hello Sarah, I'm sorry for what I did. I was at fault." Sarah seemed off since she didn't expect an apology.

Dilan Kırca & Her Team Students / OHAIHL

Sarah took a deep breath, processing Mark's unexpected apology. "Thank you for saying that," she replied cautiously, unsure if he was sincere. Mark's eyes looked genuine, and for the first time, she saw a hint of vulnerability in them."I understand if you don't believe me," Mark continued. "I've been thinking a lot, and my parents made me realize how wrong I was. I want to make things right."Emily, who was standing nearby, stepped closer. "Actions speak louder than words, Mark. We'll see if you really mean it."Mark nodded, accepting the challenge. "I know. I'm willing to prove it." Over the next few weeks, Mark's behavior changed noticeably. He kept his distance, no longer trying to intimidate Sarah or anyone else. Instead, he seemed to be making an effort to contribute positively in class and even helped out with group projects.Sarah remained cautious but started to feel a bit more at ease.

Katia Angelozzi & Her Team Students / IISS "De Titta - Fermi"

Over the next few days, Mark continued his efforts to be nicer to everyone in the class, especially Sarah. The latter gradually found her smile again. But she wanted to understand why Mark had acted like this towards her for so many months: what had she done to him to make him harass her to this extent? The subject was difficult to broach. Deep in her heart, she feared Mark's answer. Yet, she needed to know. So, encouraged by her friend Emily, one day, Sarah found the strength to ask Mark the question.

Valérie Mounien & Her Team Students / Lycée Polyvalent Langevin-Wallon

It was lunchtime. Sarah dared to sit at Mark's table. With her heart in her mouth, she locked eyes with Emily at the opposite table. “Mark, why have you been bullying me all these months?” Mark looked as if he had been slapped, Sarah was terrified, but now she had to hear the answer. Mark closed his eyes. He was breathing deeply. Suddenly he opened his eyes and said, “Because I was always afraid of being a loser, I always felt inadequate and I liked it when I felt you avoiding me. Suddenly I wasn't the loser in front of you, I was the strong one. I know it's awful and I'm ashamed of it, please forgive me." Her eyes welled up as she spoke and she even left her food and ran out into the garden. Sarah was shocked and very sorry for how Mark felt. She ran into the garden too, and Emily was with her. They both hugged Mark, “We will get through this together. We will tell everyone that bullying is wrong,” they promised each other.

Gülname Polat & Her Team Students / Şehit Şükrü Ünlü Secondary School