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By Ismail Celik
Towards Intelligent-TPACK: An empirical study on teachers’ professional knowledge to ethically integrate artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools into education
Pulished in Computers in Human Behavior on Science Direct, Volume 138
- This directly correlates with AI Enhanced Pedagogy research focused on using AI tools within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to enhance lesson planning and student engagement.
- These findings reinforce AI Enhanced Pedagogy research's aim to reduce teacher burnout through efficient AI-assisted lesson planning.
Relation to AI Enhanced Pedagogy Research
- The article addresses the need for teachers to develop AI-specific technological and pedagogical knowledge.
- This knowledge is essential for effectively integrating AI tools into educational settings.
- The article develops a scale to measure the knowledge for instructional AI use.
- It extends the TPACK framework to include ethical considerations.
- The findings highlight the interplay between technological knowledge and pedagogical effectiveness.
Key Insights
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers many benefits for education, but these have not been fully utilized. To effectively integrate AI into teaching, it is crucial for teachers to understand both the technology and how to apply it in their teaching methods. Additionally, because AI can raise new ethical issues, teachers need the ability to evaluate the decisions made by AI systems.Previous studies have not examined how teachers can use AI both pedagogically and ethically. To address this gap, a tool was developed to measure teachers' knowledge of using AI in the classroom, based on a well-known framework that covers technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK). An ethical component was also added to this framework.The research indicated that when teachers possess more knowledge about interacting with AI tools, they have a better grasp of how AI can enhance teaching. Moreover, understanding the technology (technological knowledge, or TK) helps teachers evaluate AI decisions. However, just knowing the technology is not enough. To effectively use AI in education, teachers need to combine this technological knowledge with pedagogical knowledge (PK), referred to as technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK).Based on these findings, the study proposes the Intelligent-TPACK framework, which combines technological and pedagogical knowledge with an understanding of AI's ethical implications, to help teachers use AI-based tools effectively in education.
Towards Intelligent-TPack
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