Elevate - July/Aug 2024
In-Store Training
Created on June 13, 2024
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Employee Spotlight: Brian Kruep
pg. 9
July/August 2024
Elevate U Book Club!
pg. 4
Pro Tips: Issue Resolution
pg. 8
Fresh UP is now Elevate! Elevate is the brainchild of Jennifer Hovestadt and is brought to you in collaboration with Premium employees from across multiple departments. Elevate is for everyone reading it, regardless of role or position. Its purpose is to bring news, knowledge, and helpful information to its readers so you can learn, grow, and ultimately reach your goals.
Letter from the Editor
Employee Spotlight
In-Store Services Updates
Top Learners
Elevated Content
Culture Calendars
Shark Week
Olympics Knowledge
Cooleaf Callouts
Mindful Moment
Fresh Opportunities
ElevateU Book Club
Elevate Team
Tap this button from any page to return here.
Letter from the Editor
Jennifer HovestadtSr. Training Manager
Jen Hovestadt
on a fascinating journey through unique sport-related French phrases. Discover tips on how to become ambidextrous and appreciate the art of writing with both hands.Our In-Store Services team is hard at work envisioning the retail services company of the future. We're evolving our operations and enhancing the value we provide to our internal teams and clients.Do you ever hesitate to ask your manager for help? Our guide on escalating issues effectively provides practical steps to navigate these conversations with confidence and respect.We have a special employee spotlight on Brian Kruep. Learn from Brian's experiences and his advice on embracing a growth mindset.In honor of Shark Week, explore fun facts about these incredible creatures and learn about ongoing preservation efforts.Plus, we have a link to tax-free weekends and special back-to-school promotions for all of our parents and guardians out there.Enjoy!
Dear Elevate Readers,Welcome to the July/August issue of Elevate magazine! As we bask in the height of summer, we are thrilled to bring you a vibrant mix of content designed to inform, inspire, and engage.Our first book club was a resounding success! Congratulations to our winners (see pg 4). This issue, we're diving into Janelle Shane's fascinating insights on the realities of artificial intelligence. Remember, the more participants, the bigger the prizes!With the Paris 2024 Olympics just around the corner, join us
Jen started with Premium as a part-time Brand Ambassador over 11 years ago. Since then, her passion, grit, and dedication to continual learning and helping others achieve their goals have brought Jen to her position as Sr. Training Manager for Premium. Jen also credits her career growth with her personal development strategy as a lifelong learner. She believes that by continuously learning, any person can better themselves and increase their ability to accomplish their goals in life.
ElevateU Book ClubOur first winner is.......
All winners are randomly selected using wheelofnames.com
- Letitia Daman
- Will Neese
Angela will receive a 1-year subscription to the Next Big Idea Book Club!We also have two winners who will receive 50 Cooleaf points.And, as a special Thank You for participating in our first ElevateU Book Club, all other submissions related to the course content will receive 20 Cooleaf points as well!
Tap to See
Angela Eslick
ElevateU Book Club
Here's What People Said:
"Going forward, I won't put a time frame on new habits I want to form. And I'll find reward that keep new habits in place. Stacking goals on top of similar like items is genius."
- Brittney Jessie Premium Rep
"Forming habits through repetition is obvious but highlighting that occasional misses do not necessarily de-rail progress is critical... the best way to form positive habits is via positive reinforcement. "
- Will Neese Regional Mgr
"It take 65 days not 21 days to create a good habit and it is okay to miss a few days begin building the habit and reward yourself."
- Chris A. Market Manager
"I particularly like the fact that she told us various ways to help us make our attempts at good habits easier. For instance. using set times and rewards seem to be among the most effective."
- Krista C. Merchandising Representative
This issue's selection: Janelle Shane on the Realities of Artificial Intelligence
Research scientist and TED speaker Janelle Shane shares her insights on artificial intelligence. You’ll learn what AI is—and isn’t—and what its current limitations are. You’ll also discover how the collaboration between AI and human intelligence can lead to new, exciting innovations.
Learning Program & Book Club
2. Submit
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To view the course without an UP account, open here. To view the course in UP, and earn 35 points, enroll here.
In-Store Services envisions creating the retail services company of the future. As part of this initiative, we are evolving how we operate as an organization and increasing the value we deliver to our internal teams and clients. Learn more about In-Store Services and how we’re bringing this vision to life:
The Operations Support Center (OSC) currently offers dedicated support to Premium and Acosta Walmart. Soon, the OSC will also assist Acosta Retail field merchandisers. Launched in June, the Retail Concierge Team helps new field hires succeed in their first 30 days with In-Store. Enhancing the Acosta Walmart team at present, the Retail Concierge program will soon expand into Acosta Retail. Look for an In-Store employee experience survey in August. We want to hear from you about your experience at work, career development aspirations, and more!
In-Store Updates
On the In-Store Horizon:
As we progress toward the September 2024 launch of the new Oracle HR platform, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with “Connect,” the Acosta Group entry point to Oracle, and all Acosta Group information, including your personnel records.
Take a moment to watch the video and experience the power of “Connect,” by tapping here!
Issue Resolution
Have you ever struggled with asking your manager for help, worrying that you might be bothering them? Despite these concerns, your manager's authority, expertise, or perspective can be crucial in resolving the issues you face. Take a look at these five steps on how to escalate issues effectively:
Step 5: Close the conversation with gratitudeAt the end of your meeting, summarize any action steps that you or your manager needs to take. This last step avoids miscommunication in the roles, responsibilities, or approaches to resolving the issue.
Step 1: Prepare Your Thoughts and Brainstorm SolutionsThink of questions your boss may ask and gather any information—including data, documents, photos—you may need. If you can, brainstorm potential solutions that you can present to your manager.
Step 2 : Be respectful and professional when explaining the issueSet up a time to talk to your manager. Explain the issue concisely, outlining what the issue is, who it affects, and why you’re escalating it. Describe how it could affect customers, operations, sales or other aspects of the business and team.
Step 3: Present Potential SolutionsPresent any potential solutions you’ve brainstormed. Explain your rationale and state the benefits and known drawbacks of each option. Give your opinion on which solution you think is best and why.
Step 4: Be clear with your expectationsWork collaboratively with your manager to find a solution together. It's also possible that you don’t need your manager to do anything if you’re just bringing an issue to their attention. Ask yourself, “What do I need my manager to provide or do?”
Employee Spotlight:
When did you start your Premium career? (the different positions you grew/were promoted into)
In what ways did the University of Premium contribute to your professional achievements?The University of Premium has been instrumental in my professional development. I’m also a big fan of LinkedIn Learning, so that recent integration has been fantastic. While technical skills are offered, I particularly enjoy focusing on soft skills on UP. My favorite part is discovering new Ted Talks, which often provide insights into fresh perspectives and ideas. These resources have helped me become a more effective communicator and a more well-rounded professional.
What advice do you have for those who are wanting to grow their career with Premium?My primary advice is to focus on your mindset. Are you here to simply earn a paycheck, or are you committed to learning and growing? When things go wrong, see it as a learning opportunity. Assess what happened, and consider how you could have improved the outcome. Even if something isn't your fault, it's important to evaluate your impact, understand your role, and think about what you could have done differently. While it might seem like overthinking, it's like an athlete reviewing game tape to see what they might have missed live. This reflective approach can significantly enhance your personal and professional development.
Brian Kruep
I joined Premium in October 2022 as a Client Support Specialist on the Foster Grant team. In May 2023, I moved into a Client Account Coordinator role on the Samsung Digital Appliance dedicated team.
I then briefly supported the Business Development team before my recent transition to my current role, as a Data Specialist on the Walmart Wireless team. From the outset, I expressed a desire to move into a data-driven role. Each step provided me with valuable learning experiences and prepared me to pursue my passion for Data Analytics.
Janelle Weimerskirch
Christina Weidner
Amanda Bateman
Veronica Flores
Heather Houston
Each monthly winner will be contacted by email from the University of Premium. Limit one prize per person, per year.
UP's Top Learners
Janelle Weimerskirch
Acosta Wynn
Makeisha Barber
Brooke Muzyka
Danielle Cunningham
Each monthly winner will be contacted by email from the University of Premium. Limit one prize per person, per year.
UP's Top Learners
Use invisible field if duplicate top learner with text about swagGet swag bag & feature interview in next issue.
Since XXXXXXXX already placed as the top learner this year, he will get a bonus prize of a Premium swag bag, AND we will feature an interview with him/her/them in an upcoming issue! (Provided we don't scare him/her/them and he/she/they runs away terrified.)
Elevated Content
Plus, much more!Visit the UP catalog to see all of the latest releases and updates.
Fresh Learning Paths & Courses
Check out these new learning paths and courses.Did you know UP has curated learning paths to help guide your development goals?
Using Photography to Increase Savoring
Mindfulness at work: a superpower to boost productivity and wellbeing
Impostor Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It
Adjust background color, name interctionsNaming convention: Enroll Link: (topic)
Understanding and Supporting ADHD Colleagues in the Workplace
Not enrolled in the University of Premium yet? Click here to join the waitlist for the next open enrollment announcement.
“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” – Marc Riboud Marc Riboud's quote suggests that photography can enhance our ability to savor life. When taking a photograph, we need to focus our attention and carefully observe our surroundings. This process often involves looking for beauty, meaning, or value in our environment. As a result, we may start to notice unique and positive aspects of our daily lives that we might usually overlook. This idea was explored in a study by Kurtz (2015), which involved three different activities for participants. They were asked to either (1) take photographs in a mindful and creative manner, (2) take photographs in a neutral and factual way, or (3) engage in a "count-your-blessings" writing exercise. The study found that those who took mindful photographs experienced a significantly better mood and greater appreciation and motivation compared to those who took neutral photographs. Interestingly, there were no significant differences between the mindful photography group and the writing exercise group. These findings support the notion that photography can be a valuable tool for improving mood and appreciating everyday life. Click here to enroll. Not enrolled in the University of Premium yet? Click here to join the waitlist for the next open enrollment announcement.
Shanel Munger shares compelling evidence that being mindful at work gives you a competitive advantage. The workplace is increasingly fast-paced, complex, and hyperconnected. Learn how to develop simple, regular, mindful practices that effectively alleviate stress and anxiety and help you build resilience, accelerate your performance, and nurture your well-being at work. Shanel Munger is a well-seasoned corporate leadership and learning development specialist with a master’s in educational leadership. Her passions are people development, yoga, and cycling. Shanel assists employees in embracing self-care, active rest, and mindfulness to help them perform at their best and achieve sustainable productivity and well-being. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Click here to enroll. Not enrolled in the University of Premium yet? Click here to join the waitlist for the next open enrollment announcement.
Do you ever get a nagging feeling that you’re a fraud? A feeling like you don’t deserve your accomplishments, you’ll never be “good enough,” and it’s only a matter of time before people find out? That feeling, while isolating, is common. And it has a name: impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome is a type of chronic self-doubt that causes us to feel like we’re inadequate, despite evidence showing otherwise. The result is that we become our own worst enemy—selling ourselves short and hurting our workplace performance. So, what does it take to overcome impostor syndrome? Click here to enroll. Not enrolled in the University of Premium yet? Click here to join the waitlist for the next open enrollment announcement.
It’s important to become more aware of mental health in the workplace, but it isn’t always easy to know what’s best for your colleagues, or how you can better support them so that they feel recognized and fully valued as human beings. In this course, instructor Tiffany Jameson helps you get a better understanding of the impact of ADHD in today’s workplace. Find out how to identify and recognize ADHD by learning more about what it actually looks like and how it manifests on the job. Explore ways to be an ally to your coworkers with ADHD, acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses and being more empathetic about where they’re at. Get the skills you need to communicate more effectively and deliver better results for your team. Along the way, Tiffany covers best practices by sharing some real-world stories and first-hand experiences of working professionals with ADHD. Click here to enroll. Not enrolled in the University of Premium yet? Click here to join the waitlist for the next open enrollment announcement.
Explore the calendar below by selecting the icons to discover more about each unique observance!
Culture Calendar
National Parks and Recreation Month
Culture Calendar
Explore the calendar below by selecting the icons to discover more about each unique observance!
August 25 - 31 is "Be Kind to Humankind" Week
As summer comes to a close and school days are right around the corner, tap here to view a list of state tax-free dates by state!
Tax Free Holiday!
Dive into the deep blue for the most thrilling week of the year—Shark Week! Whether you're a shark enthusiast or just love edge-of-your-seat adventures, check out the interaction below to learn about these magnificent creatures!
Shark Week 2024
July 7 - 13
Learn some fun, sports-related French words here!
July 26 - August 11
International Left-Handers Day
Celebrating the uniqueness and differences of left-handed individuals!Want to learn some tips on how to pratice using your left hand and being ambidextrous?
August 13th
Check this out!
New Hire Microsite
Most Team Members Recognized:
Ricci WoodsRegional Manager
Check it out!
Cooleaf Callout!
Most Number of Points Given Out:
Jennifer HovestadtSr. Training Manager
Cooleaf Callout!
Mindful Moment
Start your day (or finish it) with this 10 minute mindful meditation in this issue's Mindful Moment.Breathe and center yourself during this time. Become one with yourself.
Announcing a new employee assistance program
- Confidential
- 6 counseling sessions per issue, per year
- No cost
- Available 24/7
Learn More
iConnectYou app: Download the app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android) and register using passcode: 254527
NEW OPPORTUNITY: Retail Training Specialist
Got Sales Skills?
Premium Retail Services operates wireless locations in more than 1,200 Wireless Retail outlets with a dedicated sales team of more than 3,000 brand representatives. As one of Premium’s Wireless Sales Pros, your sales efforts will connect shoppers with the wireless products they need. Sales Pros are the go-to wireless expert for shoppers, closing sales through hustle, creativity, and problem-solving.
Wireless Sales Pro
UK + Ireland
Apply Now!
Premium is looking for Merchandising Leads/Trainers. Take your merchandising career to the next level by helping others in your market. Be the expert in your stores, and share your knowledge to help your team. Are you passionate about learning, solving problems, and helping others? If so, this role may be for you. Click here to apply! Or, search all Merchandising Opportunities here.
Jessica Venegoni is a versatile professional known for her role as a meticulous proofreader for Fresh UP. With her sharp eye for detail, she ensures that every word is just right, captivating readers with clear, accurate, and polished content. In addition to her work as a proofreader, she also serves as a valued training specialist, sharing her expertise in language and cognition with aspiring writers and editors.Beyond her editorial duties, Jessica actively promotes inclusivity and understanding within Premium's cultural initiatives. She also enjoys teaching and sharing mindful practices and is committed to embracing diverse perspectives that resonate throughout the organization. Outside of work, Jessica loves snuggling with her cat, Nina, digging into new cuisine, and spending time outdoors soaking up the sun.
I’ve worked for Premuim for a little over 6 years. I work in the field as a Zone Leader and also for the Walmart PSP team. I been awarded Top Learner also I’ve received Premuim Proud award 5 times also two Duracell Diamond awards.
Angela joins the Fresh Up team with over six years of hands-on experience gained at Premium. In her role as a Zone Leader and her work with the Walmart PSP team, she's made significant contributions. Angela's dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, earning her the Premium Proud award five times. She's also been honored with the Duracell Diamond award twice, and has earned Top Learner from University of Premium. Angela's practical expertise and proven track record make her a valuable addition to the team.
Alex has cultivated a dynamic career in sales, training, and education, marked by a trajectory progression. Beginning their journey in 2017 as a Google Area Manager, they swiftly distinguished themselves through their training strategies and leadership acumen. With a keen eye for identifying opportunities and driving results, they’ve earned recognition for their performance. As Alex’s career evolved, they transitioned to a pivotal role within the Premium Training Team. Their passion for education and development became evident as they imparted valuable insights and best practices, fostering collaboration and a culture of continuous learning and growth. When they are not working. they enjoys writing and playing music. As the FreshUp Project Manager, Alex brings that passion to the FreshUp team by spearheading initiatives aimed at bringing creativity and inspiration.
Keely is a dynamic professional with a rich background in training and tech, and a fervent passion for wildlife and nature. Starting her journey with Premium Retail in 2017 as part of the Pixel team, Keely swiftly climbed the ranks, transitioning through various roles before becoming an Instructional Designer in 2022. Alongside her professional endeavors, Keely finds fulfillment in volunteering at a wildlife center and indulging her love for birding with her kids. Now serving as the Art Director for FreshUp magazine, Keely brings a wealth of creative expertise and a dedication to excellence, promising to infuse each page with innovation and inspiration.
Meet the Freshup
Brian Kruep
Art Director
Sarah Wolfersberger
Fact-Checker / Analyst
Jessica Venegoni
Alex Marin
Joining Premium in 2022 due to its reputation for encouraging personal and professional development, I quickly transitioned from a client support role to client services, and now I am moving into a Data Specialist position. Over the past couple of years, I have seized every opportunity to learn and advance my skills, highlighted by my consistent recognition as a top learner. On a personal note, building Lego serves as my therapeutic escape, where following simple instructions leads to creating something amazing, mirroring the systematic approach I bring to my professional growth.
Brian became part of the Premium team in 2022, attracted by its commitment to fostering personal and professional growth. Starting in client support, he swiftly transitioned to client services and is now embarking on a new journey as a Data Specialist. Throughout his time at Premium, Brian has been driven by a thirst for knowledge, seizing every chance to enhance his skills, resulting in his consistent recognition as a top learner. Beyond his professional endeavors, Brian finds solace in building Lego sets, where the process of following simple instructions to create something amazing mirrors the systematic approach he applies to his professional development.
Angela Eslick
Jennifer Hovestadt
Keely Brubaker
Executive Editor
Project Manager
Hey Field Teams: Did you know that you can access the Microsite unique to your In-Store group from the 360 Dashboard?Check out the "Training Resources" section, and click on "Start Here" to access it.
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Tell us how we did!Use this link to drop us a quick note of appreciation, inspiration, or anything else you want to share about your Elevate experience.We can't wait to hear from you!
See you next issue
Volleyball: Envoyer une pizza (literal translation: to send a pizza), when a volleyball player hits the ball in a straight line that seems as flat as a pizza
Tennis: Baduf, for “bas du filet” (literal translation: bottom of the net), when a player hits a bad shot that ends up right at the bottom of the net
Swimming: Prendre un bambou (literal translation: to take a bamboo stick), to go out super fast in a race and leave yourself with no energy for the finish
Basketball: Mettre une bâche (literal translation: to lay down a tarpaulin), a counter, when a player stops a certain basket by hitting the ball away from the net
Football: Avoir les pieds carrés (literal translation: to have a square foot), when a player shoots the ball so badly it is as if their foot is square
Handball: Kung-fu, similar to an alley-oop in basketball, when one player throws the ball into the air and a teammate catches it while also in the air and shoots it straight towards the goal. Also known in English as 'flying handball goals'
Cycling: Sucer la roue (literal translation: to suck the wheel), staying on the wheel of another rider so they take the brunt of the headwind
Judo: Mettre une boîte (literal translation: to put a box), when a judoka is thrown and hits the ground hard
Rugby: Prendre un caramel (literal translation: to receive a caramel) or Mettre un tampon (literal translation: to put a stamp on something), when a player is tackled and hits the ground hard
All sports: Prendre une valise (literal translation: to take a suitcase), when you or your team lose heavily
Jennifer Hovestadt
Executive Editor
Jen started with Premium as a part-time Brand Ambassador over 12 years ago. Since then, her passion, grit, and dedication to continual learning and helping others achieve their goals have brought Jen to her position as Sr. Training Manager for Premium. Jen also credits her career growth with her personal development strategy as a lifelong learner. She believes that by continuously learning, any person can better themselves and increase their ability to accomplish their goals in life.
Celebrating the uniqueness and differences of left-handed individualsThis day was established to raise awareness about the challenges and experiences faced by left-handed individuals in a predominantly right-handed world.
Aug 13th
International Lefthander's Day
Keely Brubaker
Art Director
Keely is a dynamic professional with a rich background in training and tech, and a fervent passion for wildlife and nature. Starting her journey with Premium Retail in 2017 as part of the Pixel team, Keely swiftly climbed the ranks, transitioning through various roles before becoming an Instructional Designer in 2022. Alongside her professional endeavors, Keely finds fulfillment in volunteering at a wildlife center and indulging her love for birding with her kids. Now serving as the Art Director for FreshUp magazine, Keely brings a wealth of creative expertise and a dedication to excellence, promising to infuse each page with innovation and inspiration.
July 16thMLB All Star Game
also known as the "Midsummer Classic"This will be the first All-Star Game since 1934 to be hosted by the reigning World Series Champions.
The day is aimed at celebrating people who voluntarily choose not to have children and to foster acceptance of the childfree choice. It has also been described as a day of celebration worldwide for those couples who have faced criticism, ridicule, and rejection because they chose to be Childless by Choice.
Aug 1st
This day praises the infinity symbol, which can be seen as the number 8 on the horizontal. It's the perfect holiday to celebrate all out-of-the-box thinkers, problem solvers, and knowledge seekers.The first time Infinity Day was commemorated was in 1987, thanks to the philosopher Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo. His mission was to encourage free-thinking through art, science, and philosophy."Purnam Idam Purnam Adah Purnat Purnam udachyatePurnasya Purnam adaaya Purnam Eava Avashishyate"Translation: Purnam (absolute, complete, infinite) we take it as Infinite "This is Infinite and That is Infinite, Infinite (a)rises from the Infinite Subtracting Infinite from infinite leaves a remainder that is Infinite"
Aug 8th
Universal & International Infinity Day
Jessica Venegoni
Jessica Venegoni is a versatile professional known for her role as a meticulous proofreader for Fresh UP. With her sharp eye for detail, she ensures that every word is just right, captivating readers with clear, accurate, and polished content. In addition to her work as a proofreader, she also serves as a valued training specialist, sharing her expertise in language and cognition with aspiring writers and editors.Beyond her editorial duties, Jessica actively promotes inclusivity and understanding within Premium's cultural initiatives. She also enjoys teaching and sharing mindful practices and is committed to embracing diverse perspectives that resonate throughout the organization. Outside of work, Jessica loves snuggling with her cat, Nina, digging into new cuisine, and spending time outdoors soaking up the sun.
July 18th - Nelson Mandela International Day
Mandela Day is an annual global celebration that takes place on 18 July to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This day is a call to action for individuals, communities, and organizations to take time to reflect on Mandela's values and principles and to make a positive impact in their own communities."No matter how small your action, Mandela Day is about changing the world for the better, just as Nelson Mandela did every day. What are you doing to make the world a better place? What are you doing to make every day a Mandela Day?."Click the logo above to learn more!
Check with your state for additional details. Dates subject to change. Local taxes may still apply. Merchandise that qualifies varies greatly by state
July 26thEarth Overshoot Day
Marks the date when humanity has exhausted nature's budget for the year. For the rest of the year, we are maintaining our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Angela Eslick
Angela joins the Fresh Up team with over six years of hands-on experience gained at Premium. In her role as a Zone Leader and her work with the Walmart PSP team, she's made significant contributions. Angela's dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, earning her the Premium Proud award five times. She's also been honored with the Duracell Diamond award twice, and has earned Top Learner from University of Premium. Angela's practical expertise and proven track record make her a valuable addition to the team.
July 7,8 - Islamic New Year (Muharram)
Muharram 2024 will mark the start of theNew Islamic Year 1446 Hijri.The transition to the new year depends on sighting of the Moon of Muharram 1446. Thus the date falls on July 7th or 8th, depending on your location around the globe.
Held the first Tuesday of August, the event is meant to increase awareness about police programs in communities, such as drug prevention, town watch, neighborhood watch, and other anti-crime efforts.Texas celebrates on the first Tuesday in October.
Aug 6th
National Night Out
The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle that are usually visible from mid-July to late-August, with this year's peak activity falling on Aug 12th. During the peak, the rate of meteors reaches 60 or more per hour.While they can be seen all across the sky, the Perseids are primarily visible in the Northern Hemisphere. As with many meteor showers, the visible rate is greatest in the pre-dawn hours, since more meteoroids are scooped up by the side of the Earth moving forward into the stream
Aug 12th
Peak ofPerseid Meteor Showers
Brian Kruep
Brian became part of the Premium team in 2022, attracted by its commitment to fostering personal and professional growth. Starting in client support, he swiftly transitioned to client services and is now embarking on a new journey as a Data Specialist. Throughout his time at Premium, Brian has been driven by a thirst for knowledge, seizing every chance to enhance his skills, resulting in his consistent recognition as a top learner. Beyond his professional endeavors, Brian finds solace in building Lego sets, where the process of following simple instructions to create something amazing mirrors the systematic approach he applies to his professional development.
July 20thInternational Chess Day
In honor of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) being founded on July 20th, 1924, the FIDE has organized chess events and competitions around the world on this day since 1966.
Most of us like to wait until our birthday or the new year to plan our finances but today is a great time to start. August 14 is National Financial Awareness Day and a good reminder to take investing and saving seriously to build financial stability and prepare for the future.
Aug 14th
National Financial Awareness Day
A time for fans and enthusiasts from all corners of the world to come together and honor the simplicity, excitement, and universal appeal of this timeless game. Regardless of language, gender, or age, everyone has a chance to emerge victorious in a thrilling match of RPS.
Aug 27TH
World Rock Paper Scissors Day
July 2nd - World UFO Day
World UFO Day is an awareness day for people to gather together and watch the skies for unidentified flying objects (UFO). The day is celebrated on July 2, the date of the supposed 1947 Roswell UFO crash.
Alex has cultivated a dynamic career in sales, training, and education, marked by a trajectory progression. Beginning their journey in 2017 as a Google Area Manager, they swiftly distinguished themselves through their training strategies and leadership acumen. With a keen eye for identifying opportunities and driving results, they’ve earned recognition for their performance. As Alex’s career evolved, they transitioned to a pivotal role within the Premium Training Team. Their passion for education and development became evident as they imparted valuable insights and best practices As the FreshUp Project Manager, Alex brings that drive into the FreshUp team by heading initiatives aimed at bringing creativity and inspiration. When they are not working, they enjoy reading, hiking, and going on road trips with their sweet Aussie pupper, Ozzy.
Alex Marin
Project Manager
July 10thInternational Nikola Tesla Day
Also know as:
- Global Energy Independence Day
- U.S. Energy Independence Day
Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He was an important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity, leading Tesla Motors to name their company in tribute to him.
July 1st – Canada Day
Canada Day celebrates the anniversary of the Canadian Confederation which occurred on July 1, 18671. On this day, the colonies of Canada (divided into Ontario and Quebec), Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick united into a single dominion within the British Empire, known as the Dominion of Canada.Originally called Dominion Day, the holiday was renamed to Canada Day in 1982 following the passing of the Constitution Act, 1982. This act fully patriated the Canadian constitution, making Canada completely sovereign.
Aug 19th
World Photography Day
The World Photography Day 2024 Theme is "An Entire Day"
AUG 28th
Start of Paralympic Summer Games
Paralympic Summer GamesAugust 28 - September 8Paris, France
Created by Patrick Grant, a New York City musician. The premise of the day is simple: to get people to play and listen to types of music they have never experienced before
Aug 24th
International Strange Music Day
To commemorate the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment, granting American women the constitutional right to vote
Aug 26th
Women's Equality Day
Sarah Wolfersberger
Sarah has 10 years of industry experience with Premium, first as a Marketing Manager and most recently leading Premium’s Culture Team – both under Marketing & Communications EVP Brian Cameron. With solid writing skills and a background in recruiting, proposals, project and strategy management, and internal/external communications, Sarah’s talents are a tremendous asset to Acosta and our team. From her time in Culture, Sarah’s unique associate lens deepens her ability to connect with our internal audiences.
Aug 15th
National No Spongebob Day
National No SpongeBob Day is a holiday in Bikini Bottom which appears in the episode "Gone."Everyone in Bikini Bottom, except for SpongeBob, leave for the day to enjoy time without him. Normally, it lasts just one day, but in the episode, it lasts for a few weeks, because the inhabitants over-enjoy having a fun time without SpongeBob's presence. Soon, everyone come home and explain to SpongeBob what was going on before they leave to celebrate National No Patrick Day.
July 26Summer Olympics open
7/26 - 8/11 Paris, France