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Travis Sago's 5 P's

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Present Pain/Problem.

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! If you want to take your sales to the next level, check out what Travis Sago calls "The Preselling Sandwich." It's a proven recipe for turning even the most reluctant prospects into paying customers.Click on each to learn the 5 P ingredients that make this sandwich delish.

The Preselling Sandwich


Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.

  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What problems are they struggling with that your product or service can solve?

Shine a Light on Their Struggles

Present Pain

The first and most crucial step is to identify and highlight your prospect's pain points. By shining a spotlight on their pain, you immediately grab their attention and make them realize the urgent need for a solution

It's like finding the perfect spot to scratch an itch they didn't even know they had. Avoid the temptation to jump straight to your pitch - first, make them aware of the problem and why it matters.

Paint a Picture of a Better Future


Once you've established the problem, it's time to present your plan for solving it. This is where you swoop in like a superhero and say, "Fear not, my friend! I have the perfect solution to your woes!" Paint a vivid picture of how much better their life will be once they have your product or service. Will it save them time? Make them rich? Help them find true love? (Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea.) By focusing on the benefits and outcomes, you start to build excitement and anticipation for your offer.

Let Your Unique Self Shine Through


Sharing your personality and how you connect with prospects is crucial for building trust and rapport. People buy from people they like and trust, so let your unique personality shine through.Are you funny and charming? Serious and analytical? Passionate and enthusiastic?Whatever your style, embrace it and let it shine. Share stories, anecdotes, and examples that showcase your personality and how you can relate to your prospect's challenges. The more they feel like you "get" them, the more likely they'll be to say yes to your offer.

Communicate Your Core Values


Your philosophy and beliefs are the foundation of your business and your relationship with prospects. What drives you? What principles do you live and work by? By communicating your philosophy, you give prospects a deeper understanding of who you are and what you stand for. Are you all about quality and craftsmanship? Efficiency and productivity? Sustainability and social responsibility? Whatever your core values, make sure prospects know about them. When they see that your philosophy aligns with their own, they'll feel an even stronger connection to you and your brand.

Demonstrate the True Value of Your Offer


Discussing price and demonstrating value early in the process is crucial for reducing resistance and increasing conversion rates. Don't wait until the end to talk about money - bring it up early and often. Share case studies and examples of how your product or service has delivered a strong return on investment for other clients. Break down the pricing in a way that makes it easy to understand and justify. And most importantly, make sure prospects understand the true value of what you're offering. When they see that the benefits far outweigh the cost, they'll be much more likely to say yes.

Now go forth and presell like a boss!And here is a link to Travis's book if you want to dive into these further!