Top Chart Types
Charlotte Sinclair
Created on June 12, 2024
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Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
for precise comparison
for relative comparison
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
for discrete data
for continuous data
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
Compare values
Show value relationships
Nominal data
Categorical data
Large datasets
Compare volumes
Show trends & patterns
Small datasets
for 5 or more categories
for less than 5 categories
Use the buttons below to find the best chart type for your data needs:
This is a non-exhaustive guide to get you started.Explore data viz types, ensuring suitability for the audience and data type
The top seven used chart types
Click the ? icons to find out when to use and when to avoid each chart type.
Click here for chart selection tips.
- You want to compare independent values.
- You want to show distribution or relation.
When to use
You have a small dataset.
When to avoid
- You're comparing parts of a bigger set of data, highlighting different categories or showing change over time.
- You have long categories label - it offers more space.
- You want to illustrate both positive and negative values in the dataset.
When to use
- You’re using multiple data points.
- You have many categories, avoid overloading your graph. Your graph shouldn’t have more than 10 bars.
When to avoid
- You want to show part-to-whole relations.
- You want to portray the volume of your data and not just the relation to time.
When to use
It can’t be used with discrete data.
When to avoid
- You want to compare values with different measurements.
- The values are different in range.
When to use
You want to display more than 2-3 types of graphs. In that case, it’s better to have separate graphs to make it easier to read and understand.
When to avoid
- You have a continuous dataset that changes over time.
- Your dataset is too big for a bar chart.
- You want to display multiple series for the same timeline.
- You want to visualise trends instead of exact values.
When to use
If you have a small dataset - line charts work better with bigger datasets - use a bar chart instead.
When to avoid
Chart selection tips
- Categorical data? Use a pie chart if you have less than five categories, otherwise use a bar chart.
- Nominal data? Use bar charts or histograms if your data is discrete, or line/area charts if it's continuous.
- Showing the relationship between values in your dataset? Use a scatter plot, bubble chart or line charts.
- Comparing values? Use a pie chart for relative comparison or bar charts for precise comparison.
- Comparing volumes? Use an area chart or a bubble chart.
- Showing trends and patterns in your data? Use a line chart, bar chart or scatter plot.
- You want to show relative proportions and percentages of a whole dataset.
- Best used with small datasets - also applies to donut charts.
- When comparing the effect of ONE factor on different categories.
- You have up to six categories.
- Your data is nominal and not ordinal.
When to use
- You have a big dataset.
- You want to make a precise or absolute comparison between values.
When to avoid
- You want to show correlation and clustering in big datasets.
- Your dataset contains points that have a pair of values.
- If the order of points in the dataset isn't essential.
When to use
- You have a small dataset.
- The values in your dataset are not correlated.
When to avoid