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what islove?

From: Ariadne,Yanira,Mery,Julia,Rocío and Adriana

Lately, recently (2 years or so) love for people is nonsense, for others, it is more important. Love is something unique, something special, something that cannot be expressed in simple words,it´s an intense feeling that you can´t control it.

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The teenagers of now think that love is something absurd, something that is useless. Today's young people think that an affair can be called love, hurting themselves and the other person.😭

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There are several tipes of love but the best known are: family,friendship and relationship.

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Family: make your loved ones feel that they are loved,listened to,push them to them success and feel proud of them;They´re great expressions of unconditional love that families should give in theis home

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Relationship: deep and lasting feeling that unites us with another person and makes us to share our life with them.Within this relationship youhave to acep other as they are,you have to support their dreamsand proyects and grow together individual and as a team

Friendship: personal pure and disinterested affection shared whith another person, which is born and strengthened through the interralationship between human beings.


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People whose behavior generates a negative feeling to you manipulating you and hurting your feelings even thougth they´re good people when you really know them you open the eyes and the best thingto do is go out of this relationship or friendship an example of this is:you have a couple but he/she don´t let you to meet your friends or other people you love.In a friendship like if you have one friend and isvery jealous of you and want all o you haveand he/she dosen´t want you to have it.¡AVOID THAT!


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Ariadne:Tom Kaulitz and Miguel Cazarez

Adriana: no one:)

Rocío: no one:)

Mery: no one:)

Yanira: Miguel Cantos (Saiko)

Julia: Jude Bellingham