1492-1552 Timeline
novvah jade
Created on June 3, 2024
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Brutal methods of colonization are normalized and the right to continue this treatment of residents of indigenous land becomes established and furthers torturous acts of violence. Originally passed by Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, this law is manipulated to embrace terror-based behavior-modifying acts for easier use of the Indies, resulting in a new social standpoint on the treatment of people who are physically different.
More and more European settlers colonize and take advantage of the native's land. The founding of Spanish settlements, such as La Navidad and La Isabela, takes place. The enslavement and Spanish demand for gold and labor begins to unravel and establish a pattern of power through abuse of the Indies. Colonization becomes a tragic event instead of a peaceful discovery.
Following the Spanish discovery of both Puerto Rico and Jamaica and led by Juan Ponce de León, both countries resist and are met with significant depopulation. Entire lifelines are ended and cultures are destroyed alongside the land they live on. The destruction of entire heritages becomes a socially constructed norm, leaving undiscovered countries to wait for Spanish colonization: the decimation and foraging of anything of value, including one's self in the form of enslavement.
Christopher Columbus voyages towards the Caribbean and lands in America, marking the beginning of European colonization. The first interactions were of curiosity and exchange, later replaced with manipulation and taking rather than trading. The Columbian exchange made way and the Natives goods took part in trading.
Spanish forces, led by Nicolas de Ovando, force Hispania under their control and terrorize the people of the country. Ovando’s efforts of control are known for the extreme brutality towards the Taino people, including the Jaragua Massacre where hundreds of Taino are killed. Enslavement and forced labor become rampant and normalized as means of conquering and control.
First encounter
colonization and spanish settlers
Conquest of hispania
Christopher voyages to the Bahamas, creating the first contact with the Lucayans, who originally inhabited this land. These natives were instantly seen as free labor, and the Bahamas became victims of Spanish raids, which ultimately resulted in the forced relocation of the Lucayans. The depopulation was extended to the point of the Bahama's original people almost being completely erased by 1520. Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish slaver, plays a massive role in the cruel acts of deportation and violence towards these people. Most who survive die in captivity. Traditional social structures, cultural practices, and knowledge systems were severely disrupted and Spanish colonization becomes a violent practice.
7 years after the encomienda system was established and 18 after the Spanish discovery of native land, society is severely damaged. The population has declined drastically, as natives become exposed to both harsh labor conditions as well as exposure to diseases. The social structure of indigenous people is disfigured, as well as the Spanish, who created international social division, planting the seed for continuous cruelty against different races and cultures. Spanish e economic dependence relies on the exploitation on of the indigenous, both creating a dependence on forced labor as well as hindering the growth of development of better economic practices.
Bartolomé de las Casas, originally a Spanish colonist who himself owned native american slaves and benefitted from the encomienda system, concluded his mentality towards his own actions and that of the Spanish colonization of Native land. Through a moral and religious conversion in 1514, Las Casas renounced his encomienda and became an advocate for indigenous rights. During his first efforts, Las Casas travels to Spain to present an advocacy to King Ferdinand ll for better treatment of Natives and the creation of a peaceful colony where both groups can co-exist. Las Casas wrote petitions and letters to the Spanish Crown, highlighting the horrible treatment of indigenous people as well as the atrocities committed through forced labor.
Era of indie brutality
destruction of the bahamas
Las casas first effort towards change
As Las Casas advocates for fair treatment and peace by spreading awareness of torturous treatment and devastating acts of violent colonization, the Spanish Crown retaliates against its own actions and creates new laws for the purpose of ending the encomienda system, legally protecting Natives from Spanish violence. Future exploitation is prevented and native slaves are freed. As these laws represent a step towards the normalization of humane treatment, enforcement is met with strong resistance from colonists due to the already implemented social position: Division. With that, the new laws are largely ineffective.
The publishing of "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies" fights the divided social structure among natives by spreading detailed and graphic accounts of atrocities committed by Spanish colonial practices. Las Casas fights for human rights advocacy and continues the fight against such a terrible normalization. His book highlights the catastrophic results of the encomienda system as well as shines a light on the lesson one can learn from realizing one's actions and taking responsibility, since he, too, took advantage of natives before coming to this realization. Not only did Las Casas work influence the lives of Natives, it also emphasized the need for reform.
abolishment of the encomienda system
publishment of las casas "destruction of the indies"