Media and entertainment
Maria Concetta La Grotteria
Created on June 3, 2024
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Concorso per titoli ed esami personale docente della scuola secondaria di I e II grado su posto comune e di sostegno ai sensi dell'art. 3 comma 7 del D.M 205/2023Candidata: La Grotteria Maria ConcettaClasse di concorso AB2522/06/2024
Duration: 3 hours(2+1)
CLASS: First level secondary school; Third year; 20 students ( 1 NES )
1. Warm up (20 minutes) Introduction (20 minutes) Role- play ( 20 minuti 2. Production (60 minutes) 3. Assessment(1 hours)
Lesson stages
The teacher organizes a news hunt. She provides students with a list of media and entertainment, and students are to search the Internet for news about them. BYOD is necessary
The teacher gives students online worksheets with the pictures and the names of different kind of media and entertainment including an online game
The teacher proposes a reading comprehension activity .
The teacher shows the students a video on the most widespread media (A1/A2 level).
The teacher forms two groups of A1/A2 level to participate in a Role- play. Students in the A2 group will participate in a talk show presented by the new enrolled student( NES). The presenter will ask the A2 group questions, and when they answer, the students in the A1 group will have to show the card on which the word used by the A1 group is written and then spell it. The questions will be prepared by the NES with the help of the teacher(for example: Which media do you use most often?)
"Role play"
A brainstorming session is planned to collect all proposals and select the best ones
Use me NOT overuse me
Students should decorate paper T-shirts with logos representative of their chosen media and entertainment and write sentences suggesting its proper use . For example:
- Summative assessment
- Formative assessment
Formative assessment grid
Always - Most of time- Frequently- Discountinuously_ Rarely
Participates actively and gives his/her contributionUnderstand simple messages identifying main points and specific details in everyday communicative contextsUnderstand the general meaning of a message. Uses accurately grammatical structures . Is able to speak about simple familiar topics. Produces simple message . Can manage time and work properlyRespects the classmates and different ideasRespects the rules given by the teacherWorks well in pair/group
Example of tests
Summative assessment grid
Grades must be used to evaluate if learning outcomes have been reached and adapted to different test types
Structured/ Semistructured test
- Literacy competence
- Multilingual competence
- Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering
- . Digital competence
- Citizenship competence
- Cultural awareness and expression competence
- . Entrepreneurship competence
- . Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Key-Skills For LifeCouncil Recommendation 22nd May 2018/c 189/01
Learning outcomes
Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, express, create and interpret concepts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written forms, using visual, sound/audio and digital materials across disciplines and contexts. It implies the ability to communicate and connect effectively with others, in an appropriate and creative way.
This competence defines the ability to use different languages appropriately and effectively for communication
It involves the confident, critical and responsible use of digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society
Digital Competence
Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Personal, social and learning to learn competence is the ability to reflect upon oneself, effectively manage time and information, work with others in a constructive way, remain resilient and manage one’s own learning and career. It includes the ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity, learn to learn, support one’s physical and emotional well-being, empathise and manage conflict.
- Being able to understand a short video ( A1-A2 level)
- Being able to understand a short text and to complete it choosing the right word
- Being able to say what we like and dislike
- Being able to write a short text
- Being able to summarize a text
Basic Skills
- They know the names of the most played sports
- Use the verb CAN
- How to write a dialogue
- Use of WH - questions
- Talking about what they like and dislike
- - Internet access and familiarity with online research tools
- Creating a conceptual map
Previous Knowledge
Media and entertainment
- To build on students' cultural knowledge
- To develope students' listening and speaking skills
- To build ability to work in a team
Specific aims
Vigotsky's social constructivism Gardner's Mulpiple intelligence theory
- Game-based learning
- Technology-based learning
- Cooperative learning
- Inquiry-based learning
- Kinesthetic learning(Drawing/Acting)