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Infographic: get enough sleep

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how does getting enough sleep?

it can help you: reduce the frequency of disease. keep a healthy weight . reduce your risk of serious healt ploblems, such as diabetesand heart disease .


what is getting enough sleep?

sgetting enough sleep doesn"t just refer to total hours of sleep. it"s also important to get good quality sleep and have a consistent, regular sleep schedule so you feel rested when you wake up.

what can cause not getting enough sleep?sleep can affect the release of hormones that help you build muscle mass, fight infections,and reoair cells..




3 to 5 years

from 10 a.m to 1 p.m for every 24 hours.

6 to 12 years

from 9 to 12 hours for every 24 hours.

13 to 18 years

8 to 10 hours per 24 hours.


7 hours per night or more.

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