Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


How well do you know the effect of social media on well-being? Every day, billions of people use social media. Although social media have provided us with access to more information than ever before, their use has both positive and negative effects on our mental health. In this project, we will analyze how the use of social media significantly impacts mental health and why using social media responsibly is crucial.

SOCIAL MEDIA AND WELL BEING: Is it true?- Is it safe?

6 countries

108 students

One team

One goal


Dear partners and students, let's find out how well we all know the effect of social media on our well-being.

November 2024

Here are some useful tips for students! How to deal with twinspace

starting from scratch...


Here are some interesting resources to help us have a quality project. Remember! We should respect copyrights and feel confident in a safe digital environment.

November 2024

https://respectforcopyright.org/ Sites for free photos https://unsplash.com/ https://pixabay.com/ Ad Blocker avachara. avatar Genial.ly zoom

Canva Google docsGoogle Formsmentimeter QR-code-generatorWakeletflipgridpadletstrawpoll


November 2023

Teachers' survey


Pre and post survey questionnaires

Our project plan


setting our goals


Parental consent

November 2023







Our hometowns

December 2023

We introduced our project to our school communities



We created our Avatars and met our new friends

December 2023

We worked on netiquette in transnational groups

January 2024

We used personalized learning using the power of video Flip

January 2024

We celebrated Safer Internet Day

February 2024

We had polls to measure results

February 2024

We learned how to identify fake news


March 2024

We discovered how easy it is to create fake news and created our own

March 2024

Establishing Well Being at school and beyond...

We shared our ways towards well-being

We were creative with Logo Competition

Our winner logo from Italy

April 2024

We calculated our digital footprint

April 2024

We made posters about digital footprint

Our meetings

The "Social media and Well-being. Is it true? Is it safe?" team

  • 2ο Γελ Νεάπολης, Thessaloniki, GREECE
  • Liceo Statale “N. Jommelli” di Aversa ITALY
  • IES Beniaján –SPAIN
  • Atakum Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi– TURKEY
  • II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Konopnickiej w Radomiu– POLAND
  • “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National High School, Galati- ROMANIA