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California Department of Education
Proposition 28, or the Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act, established a program to support arts instruction in schools starting in 2023–24. The amount of funding each school gets depends on the number of students and how many students are eligible for Free and Reduced Price Meals. However, the school district decides how specifically the proposition funds are used, provided they follow the general guideline of improving arts intruction.
Prop. 28 allocations to BRSSD schools ($)
2022-23 Total Students & FRPM Eligible Pupils
Sandpiper (K-8)Sandpiper (K-8)Ralston (6-8)Ralston (6-8)Nesbit (K-8)Nesbit (K-8)15000015000012000012000090000900006000060000300003000000
Sandpiper (K-8)Ralston (6-8)Nesbit (K-8)
Prop. 28 Funds6190912688675501
Chart data table
Total Students
FRPM Eligible Students
Sandpiper (K-8)Sandpiper (K-8)Ralston (K-8)Ralston (K-8)Nesbit (K-8)Nesbit (K-8)1200120090090060060030030000
Sandpiper (K-8)Ralston (K-8)Nesbit (K-8)
Total Students5291117608
FRPM Eligible Students4444106
Chart data table
of funding from Prop. 28 based on BRSSD enrollment
of total funding from Prop. 28 based on BRSSD enrollment and FRPM students
FRPM = Free and Reduced Price Meals
BRSSD = Belmont-Redwood Shores School District
BRSSD students of 3,964 are eligible for FRPM
Item 17.265
Chart data table
California's Proposition 28

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