Roditeljski sastanak 1. a
Created on May 26, 2024
roditeljski sastanak, završni, 1. a 2024
More creations to inspire you
1. a razred, 2023./2024.
Roditeljski sastanakučiteljica : Julijana Banovac
o našem razredu
U našem razredu ima 17 đaka- 10 djevojčica i 7 dječaka
Učenici našeg razreda borave u produženom boravku sa učiteljicom Majom Burić
Učenici rado posjećuju školsku knjižnicu.
Predstavnik razreda: faustina Šedevi
Učitelji u razredu: Vjeroučiteljica Zrinka Valdin, nastavnik informatike Zvonimir Andrišek, teacher Jelena Pendeš
Naučili smo velika i mala slova
Naučili smo čitati i pisati
Naučili smo brojeve do 20, zbrajati i oduzimati
Pjevali smo pjesme, slušali smo skladbe
Upoznali smo likovne tehnike
Uživali smo na satima informatike
Naučili smo izvoditi vježbe na tzk
Sudjelovali smo u mnogo projekata
Stalno smo ponavljali razredna i školska pravila
Učili smo engleski jezik......
odrađene aktivnosti
- Školsku godinu smo započeli 4. rujna 2023.
- Razredna tema: ribice
- Na samom početku nam je nedostajao naš Lovro
- Ubrzo se vratio i puni sastav razreda je 17 đaka
Trick:Interactivity is the key element to capture the interest and attention of your students. A genially is interactive because your group explores and interacts with it.
Prvi posjet školskoj knjižnici
Projekt"Apple day 3"
Kroz zabavne aktivnosti učenici su naučili više o jabukama...
- U mjesecu listopadu učenici su sudjelovali u Dan jabuka- Apple day 3- u kojem su kroz tjedne aktivnosti proučavali, slikali, degustirali jabuke, radiili štafetne igre s jabukama i mnoge druge aktivnosti. Projekt se odvijao na međunardonoj platformi etwinning, na twinspace,
Apple day 3
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Snimili smo pjesmu...
A great title
U šetnji parkom
Obilježavanje Dana sjećanja na žrtve vukovara
- Paljenje lampiona 18.11. Dan sjećanja na žrtve Vukovara- školsko dvorište
iz školskih prostorija- dvorana , blagavaonica
Planning the structure ofyour content.
Give visual weight to key points and main highlights.
Defining secondary messages with interactivity.
Set a flow throughthe content.
Example: 20, 21 & 22.Page: 118 & 119
Example: 20, 21 & 22.Page: 118 & 119
izvanučionička nastava
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
posjet kazalištu- listopad 2023.
Skupni likovni radovi
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Sveti nikola 6.12.
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Susret s književnicom đurđicom gatjal
Kviz- pitalice- osvojeno 1. mjesto
medni dan
Obilježavanje mednog dana u našoj knjižnici- važnost zdrave i raznolike prehrane
Dani kruha- listopad 2023.
pjesma Mlinar- uz dane kruha
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
prosinac u našem razredu
A great title
prosinac u produženom boravku
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
projekti u našem razredu
etwinning projekti: 1.Readers club2.Journey to the space with numbers, 3. mArt- matematika kroz strip i karikaturu4. Apple day 3- svi međunarodni na twinspace
A great title
m- art
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Readers club- svaki mjesec jedna slikovnica
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
journey to the space with numbers
A great title
nešto o projektima
Svi projekti koje smo odradili bili su međunarodni na etwinning platformi- twinspace projekta
Sudionici su bili učenici iz Turske, Bugarske, Rumunjske, Italije, Makedonije, Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine
Trajanje projekata bilo je od dva tjedna do 6 mjeseci
Učenici su snimali pozdravna videa.
Mjesečne etape rada kroz svaki projekt- pregled aktivnosti- na Satima razrednika
Razredni pano- sažetci aktivnosti na web stranici razreda
Kako smo se predstavili
Poveznica na učeničko predstavljanje
maškare u razredu
A great title
dan grada 12.3.grgurevo- izvanučionička nastava
A great title
praktični rad u školi
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Održavanje higijene- praktični rad iz prirode i društva
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
Program zdravozubci u našoj školi
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
i što još smo radili...
U svibnju smo se pridružili zabavnom školskom danu "bez veze"- čiji je cilj bio povesti nastavni dan ( a i obiteljski) bez korištenja inteneta, ekrana, medija, društvenih mreža, pametnih telefona, laptopa i tableta. Odrađivali smo mnoge aktivnosti- tangram, društvene igre, igre školice, skupni rad, pričanje priča, čitanje priča..
dan "bez veze"
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
učenici su se pridružili i u svojim domovima "danu bez veze"
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
razredni izlet- pleternica 29.5.
Izlet u Pleternicu održan je 29.5. 2024. Polazak sa željezničkog kolodovora, dolazak u Pletrnicu, razgled grada, posjet Terra Panonica centru, posjet knjižnici u Pleternici, vožnja vlakićem po vinogorju, ručak, slobodno vrijeme u parku.
Izlet- 29.5.
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
pleternica- igra i učenje na izletu
A great title
Get 67% of your class to be convinced. This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Clearly.
dodatno- nastupi naših učenika
Nastupi na smotri Biosigurnosti i zaštite sa igrokazom Perica i higijena
Nastupi za Svetog Nikolu
Nastupi za školski projekt Cesarić u Cesariću- igrokaz Gusjenica i leptir
kako dalje...
Poštivanjem pravila, isticanjem pravila, stvaranjem skladnog kolektiva
Ustrajnim radom, poštenjem, ljubaznošću, lijepim riječima, emaptijom
Poticanjem tolerancije, razvijanjem strpljenja, isticanjem kvaliteta.
Zajednički cilj koji svi imamo je stvorit temelje koji trebaju biti čvrst oslonac daljnjem školovanju. !
of our brain is involved in the processing of visual stimuli.
You can display numbers like this.
...Even if you explain it orally later
This will keep your class engaged.
Our brain is prepared to consume visual content. And it makes sense: 90% of the information we process comes to us through sight. That's why visual content helps with faster learning in many cases.
Did you know...The window allows you to add more extensive content? You can enhance your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Did you know that...In Genially, you will find over 1,000 ready-to-use and 100% customizable templates to pour your content into, which will help you in your classes?
This will keep your class engaged.
visual information is better retained.
Visual content is a cross-cutting and universal language, like music. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
Captamos mejor el contenido visual. Este tipo de contenido está asociado a mecanismos cognitivos y psicológicos. Las cosas entran por los ojos, la primera imagen es la que cuenta. Asociamos el contenido visual con emociones.
Our brain is biologically wired to learn through visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.
You can display numbers like this.
And the data will be stored in their brain
Did you know...We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention of your students.
And the data will be stored in their brain
We don't like to bore in our classes or work with flat content. It's time to bet on dynamic and interactive learning experiences that stimulate the thinking and creativity of each student.
of our brain is involved in the processing of visual stimuli.
visual information is better retained.
With this function...You can add additional content that excites the brains of your students: videos, images, links, interactivity...Whatever you want!
...Even if you explain it orally later
Pose a question or problem that makes the class think; it is the essential ingredient to keep their attention. It is often posed at the beginning of the topic to encourage critical thinkingand participation.