MODULE 1 - 1.9
Zinedine riahi
Created on May 25, 2024
More creations to inspire you
1.9 - Étude de la rentabilité de l'annuaire en ligne
C'est parti !
évaluation de la rentabilité potentielle
of what we do and see,we remember it.
You can capturefigures in this way
of visual informationis better assimilated.
Use this space to briefly describe your graph and its evolution.
Une étude approfondie de la rentabilité vous permettra de prendre des décisions éclairées sur la viabilité financière de votre annuaire en ligne et de maximiser ses chances de succès à long terme.
Avant de vous lancer dans la création d'un annuaire en ligne, il est essentiel d'évaluer sa rentabilité potentielle.
les éléments importants
1 - Modèles de revenus potentiels
Fin de la partie 1.9
Bon Travail !
Haven't we convinced you to use graphics in your creations yet? Well: there are studies showing that 50% of the brain is responsible for processing visual stimuli, and that this is retained 42% more when the content is animated.
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Haven't we convinced you to use graphics in your creations yet? Well: there are studies showing that 50% of the brain is responsible for processing visual stimuli, and that this is retained 42% more when the content is animated.
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Haven't we convinced you to use graphics in your creations yet? Well: there are studies that show that 50% of the brain is responsible for processing visual stimuli, and that this is retained 42% more when the content is animated.
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