desiage eleonore
Created on May 23, 2024
Année 2022-2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
Check out what others have designed:
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Horizontal infographics
Don't Panic
Consultation Infirmière et accueil des étudiants : 500 passages
1er action de prévention : santé bucco-dentaire / visuelle
Aménagement de l'infirmerie
Aménagement handi-etudes + préconisations médecins
Création de partenariats institutionnel et associatif
Précarité menstruelle et santé sexuelle :dispositifs pour les étudiantes+ stands
Création du service de médecine préventive bureau 106 (1-2-3)
Bilan d'activité SUMPPS+plannification des actions 2023-2024
Sensibilisation aux violences faites aux femmes
Collation de Noel
Don du sang
Journée bien être étudiant
Santé séxuelle : dépistage des ist
Epicerie solidaire temporaire
Distribution alimentaire
Distribution de produits d'hygiène
Journée mondiale de l'hygiéne menstruelle
Consultation Infirmière et accueil des étudiants : 1000 passages
Action de sensibilisation au handicap par l'association les Bouchons d'Amour+ collecte de bouchons : 15 kg au profit de l'association
Création d'une salle d'attente + aménagement infirmerie ( achat meuble pharmacie)+plaquette informative Sumpps de Béziers
Aménagement handi-etudes : 80 étudiants accompagnés+ préconisations
Nouveaux partenaires associatifs et institutionnels
- Schémat directeur de la vie étudiante Sumpps Béziers- Budget prévisionnel 2024/2025- 1ere édition: Journée Bien être ; Violence faites aux femmes; Dépistages IST
Réamenagement du bureau de médecine préventive bureau 106-2)
-Bilan d'activité 2023/2024-Préparation Journée Don't Panic 2nd édition
Consultation Infirmière et accueil des étudiants : 1000 passages
Action de sensibilisation au handicap par l'association les Bouchons d'Amour+ collecte de bouchons : 15 kg au profit de l'association
Création d'une salle d'attente + aménagement infirmerie ( achat meuble pharmacie)+plaquette informative Sumpps de Béziers
Aménagement handi-etudes : 80 étudiants accompagnés+ préconisations
Nouveaux partenaires associatifs et institutionnels
- Schémat directeur de la vie étudiante Sumpps Béziers- Budget prévisionnel 2024/2025- 1ere édition: Journée Bien être ; Violence faites aux femmes; Dépistages IST
Réamenagement du bureau de médecine préventive bureau 106-2)
-Bilan d'activité 2023/2024-Préparation Journée Don't Panic 2nd édition
Journée conviviale le 12/12 fêtes de fin d'année
Précarité menstruelle et santé sexuelle
Création du coin solidaire : dressing et épicerie
1er édition journée d'accueil étudiants du bittérois
Novembre : MOVENBER
Distribution alimentaire: Ordre de Malte
OCTOBRE ROSE : Equipe du Centre Du guesclin
Actions de préventions 2024
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Turn on user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
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Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Analytics preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs… even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make the content fun.That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Turn on user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Analytics preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs… even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some amazing interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Analytics preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs… even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Turn on user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some cool interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium Tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some amazing interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Write a title awesome here
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Analytics preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs… even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title great here
- Visit Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
- Visit Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make the content fun.That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title great here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make content fun. That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title great here
Write a title awesome here
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make the content fun.That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Enable user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A great subtitle here
Write a title
Link >
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies to make the content fun.That's why at Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in our designs, so you level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
Write a title awesome here
Write a title awesome here
- Visit the Activity preferences;
- Activate user tracking;
- Let the communication flow!
Use this space to add some amazing interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get insights on how your audience interacts:
A cool subtitle here
Write a title
Did you know? Windows allow you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by including PDFs, videos, text ... The window content will appear when you click on the interactive element.
Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.