Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Kindergarten Arediou, CyprusTeacher: Maria Petrou

Unforgetable memories

The participating teachers communicated regularly via Teacher meetings, What's app group and emails, so that every partner can actively participate in the organization and planning of the project.

A message was sent to all eTwinning friends to participate in this wonderful project! As kids were a key part of the decision making, the number of schools participating was limited to achieve maximum collaboration.

here we go!

all kids

Students created their portraits with the materials found in the 1st mystery box!

Me box!

With the help of the web tool Mentimeter, we collected the ideas of all participating kids on what could be hidden in the mystery box!These ideas were later used for the theme of the next mystery boxes!

Kids ideas

Before our 1st meeting with partner schools, we talked with our students about the safe use of internet and how we comunicate through it! A collaborative video with safety tips was created for our project!

Netiquette and esafety

The 1st student meeting was organized in small groups! Project partners wrote in a Google doc the prefered CET time for a meeting and with the help of the web tool Wheel of Names, the small groups were created!Kids from Kindergarten Arediou, Cyprus met with students from EBI da Praia da Vitória, Azores-PORTUGAL! We got to know each other and played an imitation game!! We also met with students from kindergarten,,Pumpurėlis", Lithuania! With them we created a collaborative painting with the help of Colorillo!

1st student meeting


The box came with a lot of mysterious materials and a letter, motivating us to explore the identity of the mystery sender! The kids brainstormed together to create our classroom mascot! With Georges' help (name of our mascot), we explored the different emotions!Along with our partner schools, we also wrote a collaborative story about our mascots and their emotions!

2nd mystery box

With excitement we received the 3rd mystery box, with a lot of fun messy activities for us!

3rd mystery box

With this box, snow came into our classrooms! The kids learned about the winter, through fun & messy hands-on activities!A "Winter safety tips" guide was collaboratively created, to share information we learned!

4th mystery box

Kids and dinosaurs! They were over the moon with this box theme! The concluded that our mascot hears what they want the next box to have!They had a lot of creative ideas, thus after completing our mission and contribution to collaborative products, we had a lot of additional activities done!

5th mystery box

Next stop in our adventure was the magical kingdom on plants! The kids enjoyed all the planned activities of this box and added some more ideas for exploration!

6th mystery box

A new box with a lot of collaborative activities! Along with our partner schools, we created a museum of heroic eggs, an instruction manual "From an egg to a chick", the images of the BeeBot activity and had a lot of fun with the collaborative Kahoot game!

7th mystery box

The time has come to close our project... What better way than celebrating the eTwinning day together!

Celebrating eTwinning day

The project was evaluated from teachers, students and parents

Final evaluation

A presentation of eTwinning and this project also took place, as part of a University lecture for new Kindergarten Teachers.

The project pages and the Twinspace were used throughout the school year to post videos and presentations of our project activities. Parents were also regularly informed about our journey with the mystery boxes, through emails! Links of our activities' presentations were included. They joined our enthusiasm by completing activities related to the project at home with their kids!

We decorated a classroom window with each months' theme. As a final activity, the kids celebrated eTwinning Day and recieved their awards!

Dissemination of the project

Kindergarten Arediou, CyprusSchool year 2023-2024

Thank you

2nd mystery box

Kids loved the activities planned for this mystery box! They had the opportunity to get to know different emotions and collaborate to create a mascot for our classroom - give a form to our mystery box sender! The documentation of the activities that took place in Kindergarten Arediou, Cyprus, as well as a link for the collaborative story we created with our partner schools, can be found in the Zoho presentation.

Final teachers' meeting
First teachers' meeting