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The Water:

In The Deep Blue Between, the water was mentioned multiple times. It symbolizes how the twins, Hassana and Vitoria, are so far from eachother. They are an oceans distance away from eachother and do not know where the other twin is located.

A Mirror:

A mirror is a way to see yourself. I believe the twins saw themselves in eachother. Hassana and Vitoria were raised together. We later learn how different they are from one another. A mirror compares and contrasts the differences between the twins.


In The Deep Blue Between, the twins are separated at a young age and forced apart from eachother. Although they are not together for their teen years, similar to magnets, they are pulled to eachother in the end. Even though Hassana and Vitoria go their separate ways, they were pulled to eachother again.


After the twins got separated, they each bagan having dreams at night about the other twin. They would dream about the country and what their twin was doing. Having these dreams were a way to find eachother and reunite.

A Door

Hassana and Vitoria have grown apart over the years. They used to be inseparable but have went their separate ways. A door symbolizes how the twins are "opening a door" and going on their own journeys.


Deep Blue Between Theme

Throughout the book, we know Vitoria felt unimportant compared to her twin, Hassina. Hassina longed for her twin after they got separated and remained loyal. Hassana made it her mission to find Vitoria and reunite, but Vitoria did not care as much. Hassana remained loyal and found Vitoria after all these years. The twins did not get along as well as they may have hoped and went their sepperate ways. Hassana remained loyal to Vitoria after all these years.