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The beginning

Rising action 2


¿The end?

The last Receiver of Memory before Jonas. The only and beloved daughter the Giver had. She got released and her soul has not been able to rest, even though she became just a memory of many. Rosemary waits for a change that she didn't manage to make. Expecting what Jonas may be capable of.

Rosemary POV

The Giver:

Rising action

—Giver. —Jonas asked the next afternoon, —¿Do you ever think abour released?Here is where I come in, I'm probably an expert on release at this moment. But the Giver clearified his question.—¿My own release or general release?—Both. —Jonas told, I heard he said something else, but I didn't hear. The things is that my dad began to explained what release was, not getting at the point yet. Jonas mentioned that in his list of rules he wasn't aloud to request release, that was my bad, I mean, I feel like if I'm insisting pretty much for my freedom, that I just want Jonas to keep holding pain until he makes something I want. Not my fault at all, but it feels like. However, as I expected, my father finally introduce me, not as his daughter but as the previous Receiver. The Giver narrate all about me, how my training was until how I requested for my release. But I felt kind of remorse when he told Jonas he loved me, I didn't want him to feel detached because me. —You can watch. —Giver said the next day they met, Jonas recall the twins which were born identically, one was going to be released. I might be feeling more anxious than him, even though I had already seen it. My dad took him to a room and played a video on the screen after convincing Jonas to watch it. Jonas's father was there, I guess, he mentioned it was. He grabed the newchild and weighted on a balance, then a nurse balanced the another. I was dazed on how how he talked to him in a cloying, more affectionate way before releasing him. I started at Jonas's reaction when his dad release one of the twins by pusing the plunger very slowly into his head, injecting the liquid into the scalp vein until the syringe was empty. As I anticipate, Jonas was shocked, he reacted and repeated the same words. "My dad killed him." Indeed, he did, that was released after all and my dad conclude that was release. Jonas didn't want to go home. He was not ready to face the truth, and to look at his father as he did once a time, not anymore. He proposed to live the community, with my dad. He wanted to go to the real Elsewhere, but my dad rejected his offer. He revealed that I was his daughter, and now I reveal how significant he is for me and was in my life. Jonas didn't predict that was going to happened, but there was a critical situation to lead with.

Chapter 18 - 22

Stravinsky and Proust

There I was, at my dad's house, where he trained me and will train the next generations. 10 years ago I was released because of the things humanity had done to others. Our community is not the best, they do the same but called it by another name. Release. I was going to be trained and be prepared to be the next Giver, but I failed, and I'm not sorry at all. I knew that wasn't the moment to make a change yet. Maybe sometimes I get desperated to leave, but I know that will happen once someone makes a change. I'm still waiting for that someone. The great new, this year, precisely today, someone is going to be selected as the next Receiver of Memory. I hope this time is the right one, I had seen how my dad is solemnly tired for keeping those memories. I get it, memories are hard to manage. I had thought how egoist our communnity is, they leave all burden on someone else's shoulders. That's not equitable for me, not because it's my dad but for those who lead anguish from other people. However, I'm still waiting for him to come, it might be soon. I hope is someone already prepared and disciplined for this job. —¿Does the Chief elder also controls after-life? —asked to herself. —Nah, impossible.—I'm Jonas. —a voice presented himself.

Chapters 7-10

Chapters 10 -14

—I'm Jonas. —a voice presented himself.—I know. Welcome, Receiver of Memory. Those words made me feel something I didn't like. Dismalness. Imagining how he received me like that, how excited I looked, just like that boy Jonas. Then, I stared at his eyes, they were pale as mines. Despite it was a petite detail, it meant everything to me. Something told me he was the indicated to make the change I waited for. Now I needed to wait a few time more, not more years, just months maybe. I was distraught somehow, the idea of him failing just like me was in my mind disturbing me. Anyways, I'll just make time flow.—Sir, I apologize for my lack of understanding...—Jonas announced.Alright, we began with the right foot. My dad completely ignored him, he didn't esteem people which apalogize all the time for the most puny mistake. Jonas suddenly began to correct himself telling that he wasn't good enough for the job, that he had been selected since yesterday, he didn't had any idea of how to manage it. —Beginning today, this moment, at least to me, you are the Receiver.They had a conversation and long after happened what I was waiting for, his first memory. That is the first best memory we can receive. As I expected, my dad transmitted the memory of snow and a sled. Jonas looked hilarious at the Giver, since he didn't know nothing about snow. He transmitted later the memory of sunshine, and sunburn. The last one probably ached him, but after all, that was very severe compaired to other pain.The next day, he went again and the Giver revealed him what colors were. Maybe because I'm dead, I still see them. Living in a world black and white is very awful. Jonas had the same expectations as I do, he didn't admired black and white world. He bagan complaining of how bad this was, I understand him somehow. He pointed out something that won my respect towards him, the consideration for my father's anguish.

Jonas and my dad did a well-planned strategy for Jonas scape. It was happening, I'm so in bouyant mood, finally we'll be free. We just need a few more weeks for Jonas's scape. We were waiting for him, but he never came. Then the Chief Elder came to my dad and asked for Jonas, he didn't know where he was, me either, the last day I saw him was like one week ago. But I was afraid he got caught and the Comittee of Elders took him to be released. I wanted to look by myself, since I never had the oportunity to leave my dad's dwelling. I don't know why, but today I'll try again. There was a barrier which never let me go, as a memory. I went up, and recall all these years and how I had lived here as a ghost, but I liked more the term "memory." A memory that lingered to a person, you can't hear, see or touch them anymore, but you feel it, it stays forever. But I didn't want to be a memory here anymore, a wanted to be free. But I moslty wanted our community to change, that's why I sacrifice. Memories I had went back to them and it was a fully chaos, they didn't change, but Jonas may be the one who will change things here. I finally stared at the door, I gave a step forward and instantly, an fresh air blowed my face and I could crossed. At the same time a memory went back to me. There was snow and it was cold, and I saw a cabin full of lights and laughters. And there was a baby on someone's arms, caring him heedfuly and protective.—Gabe, we made it. We made it. —a voice announced. I clearly recognized that voice, it was Jonas. Now I understood why he didn't appear. He sacrificed for Gabe's life, so Gabe was about to be released at morning a week before. And Jonas took him to safe him. In that way, memories came back, and colors appeared, and a new life was waiting for our society. Even though they didn't realized I was actually there at all moment...I really had the desire to tell the most insipired words I could ever said, but nothing came to my mind. This was totally perfect, now I could leave free, my objective was already done or at least just a step to reach the real change, but my job ends here. And with these I end my sojourn, I hope Jonas survive for a long time with Gabe, and as Winnie the Pooh said once..."We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun."

Chapter 23

!Nooooo! —he cried.That pretified me, I thought he received a nasty memory. But just then I realized it was because he felt a stronger sunburn, one which made him see blood. He implored for relieving pain, but my dad told no and looked away. Inmediaetly, he went home. I saw how my dad was overwhelmed, and I did know why. —¿Why? —Jonas asked him after he had received a torturous memory about hunger. He went again to our house, I esteemed his determination to be honest. —¿Why do you and I have to hold these memories?The answer was for wisdom. Wisdom was an important trait for Receivers of Memories. He mentioned a newchild named Gabe, he seemed to love him a lot, even though he didn´t know what love meant yet. It was just as if he read my thoughts, he began to explain to him what love was. Jonas said something that caught me off guard, he wanted to change the community, he thought that wasn't fair to be Sameness. And I heard that famous quote from my dad...—And back and back and back. —Jonas repeated.At that precise moment, happened what I was afraid of. The Giver was about to transmitted a memory that will make him cried of agony. At as I said, once my dad shared that memory of war, Jonas stand up astonished and not getting it clearly. He ran away, I aim he doesn't loses his motivation, once this happens I'll lose my hope. jonas had a well done track with my dad, even better than mine that was just for five weeks. ¿Am I too mind-weak? Probably, but I coulnd't endure that memory, it was too much for me. And I could say that it was an deliberated choice, but maybe I would not have been capable of making those things Jonas is producing at the community. Maybe I could have done very well, but then we will had been in Sameness still. At least I made something that makes Jonas keep his track, implying the rule for not requesting release if you are the Receiver of Memory, so my released was not in vain, it meant something and I made a really small change that influenced to make a bigger one.

Chapters 14 - 18