Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

presentacion there is- There are


There is and There areby Sara,Camila and Danilo



Next we will see a video where he explains the topic of there is and there are and how to ask questions and above all we will learn a lot of vocabulary.

Grammar : there is and there are


Through this game we will put into practice what we learned in the previous video and above all we will have fun


share your ideas with your team and clasify the animals in there is an there are
work in pairs or trios
share your ideas with your team and clasify the animals in there is an there are
work in pairs or trios
find the correct answear between there is and there are and match with the sentences
activity match the sentences


russian roulette

We will enter work rooms to work in groups.


Let´s play hanged

wram up

thanks for your attention