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May, 2024

A World of Emotions

'Project Teamworks'


our logo puzzle https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=1222073328b3

About the ProjectAims and Expected Results

Project Plan

PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to understand the importance of nature for life. 2. To be able to explain the importance of water in the life of living things. 3. To be able to see water pollution as a problem and think about what to do. 4. To be able to determine the causes of environmental pollution and produce solutions. 5. To be able to understand the damage caused by soil pollution to living things and find solutions. 6. To be able to explain the love of forest and trees to the environment. 7. To be able to list what we are responsible for the animals we share this world with and what we can do for endangered animals 8. To be able to instill the cultural awareness in Europe to the students. 9. To be able to use technology effectively. 10.To be able to comprehend the purpose and importance of space studies

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AIMS: We could briefly list some of the objectives that we would like our students to achieve: To be Recognize their emotions - Know how to express emotions - Build a vocabulary of emotions - Know and use simple strategies to control fear, anger, anxiety and sadness - Know how to listen and their own needs and those of others.Carry out this project in. eTwinning means adding to these objectives also the possibility of comparison with children from different states with different cultures, who live different realities..." are their emotions like ours?" And therefore also providing students with learning opportunities in order to develop an awareness and deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of linguistic and cultural diversity in their personal lives, in school and in society at large. EXPECTED RESULTS All products will be uploaded to twinspace. Pupils should have acquired a better awareness of their emotions and their management with a good dose of empathy that will serve them in the present and in the future, at school and in everyday life outside the school environment. The knowledge of other realities beyond their own should make them leave the centrality in which they live, opening up to new cultures and new realities, learning a foreign language in a different way than usual

JANUARY Let Us Know Each Other! After creating avatars for ourselves here we present our schools, our place, ourselves and get to know each other.https://padlet.com/seydakurtay87/let-us-know-each-other-nhavopmt27kpf59o Parental Consent Forms Posting the parental consent of participation in the Project. Pre-test Survey The pre-test survey will be administered to students to determine the road map of the project. FEBRUARY- I Know The Emotions

  • Guessing the Feelings
A clip from the movie Inside Out will be shown (I'm guessing the feelings) and students will discuss various emotions.
  • Emotions Art Activity
Students will prepare a material by drawing different emotional expressions. This could be an emotions flipbook, emotions wheel, or emotions cube etc. whatever they prefer
  • e-safety and netiquette rules presentation
By entering the links you will be able to access a presentation where each school will be able to write rules for surfing the internet safely. It will be a collaborative effort: TOGETHER TO CREATE A SINGLE PRODUCT USEFUL FOR ALL OF US. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-38Vy0-cw6XOJDffHSnnaDHWsXAtRs_AG1dfWlx7ERc/edit?usp=sharing
  • Logo Contest
Posting of the teams logos Voting the logo of the Project Students can draw or they can use the free apps to make a digital logo. Here the list of apps:Canva Logomaker Sketchpad
  • Emotions Dictionary
We are preparing a collaborative dictionary of emotions. We will work on the storyjumper. MARCH- I Express My Feelings! Live event: Partners introduction meeting and presentation of students’ emotion art works How do I behave when I’m…..
  • Wheel game with Wordwall appStudents will take turns spinning the wheel and telling how they behave when they feel the emotion.
    • https://wordwall.net/tr/resource/69373525
  • 'Happy International Day of Happiness' in different languages video
  • We celebrate 'International Day of Happiness' in different languages. Our students will say 'Happy International Happiness Day' in their own language
  • https://padlet.com/bursikova1/happy-international-day-of-happiness-2zyze8r3mylxze9z
  • Collaborative Slogan
  • We will work on a collaborative slogan.Students will coloring each letter, then we will combine them. Our slogan: BE HAPPY, MAKE HAPPYhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1trVdABqtthaGKq0E5YhfYgCzcz5CBTKERX6Vhij_fY4/edit?usp=sharing
APRIL- How to control and regülate emotions? Live event: What’s happening in my body? Feelings in my body: Emotions are written on the lines next to the body: happy, sad, angry, worried, fear, etc. Kids will now choose a different color for each emotion on the list. Now let's show the emotions we feel in our body on the body using each emotion and colors written on the side. for example; Where do you feel your anger in your body? Your hands are on your arms. Or in your head? Or maybe you feel happiness in your arms, in your heart, in your feet? It is completely personal to you. Your and everyone's feelings are different.
  • How can I manage my emotions?
Names or images of different emotions will be pasted on the jars or boxes. Students will write on pieces of paper how they can control that emotion or their own coping methods and put them into the relevant jar or boxes
  • calming and breathing exercises
  • mixed school teams work- collaborative posters- coping skills how to control my negative emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, sadness...https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_VuXqkuUqhx18NjJadFd5VehRDJ5xTj3nccp_aL8_R8/edit?usp=sharing
MAY- closing project Post-test Evaluation, dissemination

TURKEY Şeyda KURTAY-Sevim Avni Çoğal Primary School İstanbul- TURKEY Candan PAK-Nejdet Bıçakçıoğlu Primary School /Düzce/TURKEY Çağrı Kurtay -Çağrıbey Secondary School İstanbul/ Turkey ITALY Maria Grazia Lorena Li Pera-Primary School- IC di Siziano ( Pavia ) Italy Astori Margherita -Primary School-IC di Siziano ( PV) .Italy Oreste Rita -Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy Giuliani Giuliana -Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy Braga Alessandra-Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy Silvia Denari-Primary school IV Siziano (Pv) Italy Vita ligiato-IC “G.Pagoto” Erice Sicily. Italy CZECH REPUBLIC Jana BURŠÍKOVÁ-Primary School Strážnice - CZECH REPUBLIC SLOVAKIA Katarína Jaloviarová-Primary School Vígľaš - Slovakia POLAND Ilona Szerksznis-Primary School Skaryszew- Poland GREECE Michail Papadimitropoulos-Xatzivei Elementary School (Athens) Greece

e-safety and netiquette rules presentation


Emotions Dictionary


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EMOTIONS DICTIONARY Emotion/feeling is in English in Turkish- Italian-Czech- Slovak- Greek- Polish languages student drawing Distribution of task teacher school name letter Şeyda KURTAY Sevim Avni Çoğal Primary School İstanbul- TURKEY A-B Maria Grazia Lorena Li Pera Primary School- IC di Siziano ( Pavia ) Italy C-D Jana BURŠÍKOVÁ Základní škola Strážnice Primary School Strážnice - CZECH REPUBLIC E-F Çağrı Kurtay Çağrıbey Secondary School İstanbul/ Turkey G-H Astori Margherita Primary School-IC di Siziano ( PV) .Italy I-J Michail Papadimitropoulos Xatzivei Elementary School (Athens) Greece K-L Silvia Denari Primary school IV Siziano (Pv) Italy M-N Katarína Jaloviarová Primary School Vígľaš - Slovakia O-P Giuliani Giuliana Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy Q-R Candan PAK Nejdet Bıçakçıoğlu Primary School /Düzce/TURKEY S Ilona Szerksznis PSP im. Orląt Lwowskich w Skaryszewi- Poland T Oreste Rita Scuola dell'infanzia - IC Siziano (PV) Italy U-V Vita ligiato IC “G.Pagoto” Erice Sicily. Italy W-Y Braga Alessandra Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy Z

'Happy International Day of Happiness' in different languages

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Collaborative Slogan


International Day of Happiness, 20 March- Collaborative SloganThe letter assignment distribution is as follows LETTERS SCHOOLS B- E Şeyda KURTAY-Sevim Avni Çoğal Primary School - İstanbul-TURKEY H-A Maria Grazia Lorena Li Pe- Primary School- IC di Siziano ( Pavia ) Italy P Jana BURŠÍKOVÁ-Základní škola Strážnice Primary School Strážnice -CZECH REPUBLIC P Katarína Jaloviarová-Primary School Vígľaš - Slovakia Y Çağrı Kurtay- Çağrıbey Secondary School İstanbul/ Turkey M Astori Margherita - Primary School-IC di Siziano ( PV) .Italy A Michail Papadimitropoulos-Xatzivei Elementary School (Athens) Greece K Candan PAK-Nejdet Bıçakçıoğlu Primary School /Düzce/TURKEY E Giuliani Giuliana- Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy H Vita ligiato-IC “G.Pagoto” Erice Sicily. Italy A Braga Alessandra-Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy P Ilona Szerksznis-PSP im. Orląt Lwowskich w Skaryszewi- Poland P Silvia Denari-Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy Y Oreste Rita- Scuola dell'infanzia - IC Siziano (PV) Italy


Mixed School Teams Work

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Team 1 - ANGRYŞeyda KURTAY-Sevim Avni Çoğal Primary School - İstanbul-TURKEYJana BURŠÍKOVÁ- Primary School Strážnice CZECH REPUBLIC

'Skills of coping with emotions' collaborative posters

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Coping Skills- Mixed School Teams Task Distribution TEAMS STUDENTS SCHOOLS collaborative poster link Team-1 ANGRY İnci-Yağız- Eslem-Eymen Şeyda KURTAY-Sevim Avni Çoğal Primary School - İstanbul-TURKEY https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBQh_Dr9A/vTfeANalxZ-nHXzLIoiqWQ/edit?utm_content=DAGBQh_Dr9A&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Jana BURŠÍKOVÁ-Základní škola Strážnice Primary School Strážnice -CZECH REPUBLIC Team-2 BORED Lucka-Martinka-Jarka -Johanka Katarína Jaloviarová-Primary School Vígľaš - Slovakia https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBQg4Fn8g/hu0amqx8Wb2cuO11mDUvcg/edit?utm_content=DAGBQg4Fn8g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Zeynep- Beyza- Kuzey- Duru Çağrı Kurtay- Çağrıbey Secondary School İstanbul/ Turkey Team-3 WORRIED Elisa-Efrem-Desirèe-Simone Maria Grazia Lorena Li Pera- Primary School- IC di Siziano ( Pavia ) Italy Gaia- Aurora-khdija-Gabriel Vita ligiato-IC “G.Pagoto” Erice Sicily. Italy Team-4 SAD Oreste Rita- Scuola dell'infanzia - IC Siziano (PV) Italy https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBSRccVgs/Gv3qnimSg3fOg67vMsSrTA/edit?utm_content=DAGBSRccVgs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Sare - Damla - Yiğit - Zeynel Candan PAK-Nejdet Bıçakçıoğlu Primary School /Düzce/TURKEY Team-5 AFRAID Giulia - Aurora - Lorenzo- Mattia Giuliani Giuliana- Primary School - Iv Siziano (PV) Italy https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBSf3eyMI/jVDrl_PFpq-r4KzrN2FR4Q/edit?utm_content=DAGBSf3eyMI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Giannis-Billy-Panagiota-George Michail Papadimitropoulos-Xatzivei Elementary School (Athens) Greece Team-6 EXCITED Carlo - Diego - Emily - Vittoria Margherita Astori - Primary School-IC di Siziano ( PV) .Italy https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBSlQUEjg/-STq2d8QYqpW-QJtzAUUEw/edit?utm_content=DAGBSlQUEjg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Feliks-Ola-Zosia-Faustyna Ilona Szerksznis-PSP im. Orląt Lwowskich w Skaryszew- Poland Team-7 TIRED Silvia Denari-Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBSjwpXYM/CrinV3olcOoxr5kXNnl3sA/edit?utm_content=DAGBSjwpXYM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Braga Alessandra-Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy

Team 2- BOREDÇağrı Kurtay- Çağrıbey Secondary School İstanbul/ Turkey Katarína JaloviarováPrimary School Vígľaš - Slovakia

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Team 3- WORRIEDMaria Grazia Lorena Li Pera- Primary School- IC di Siziano ( Pavia ) Italy Vita ligiato-IC “G.Pagoto” Erice Sicily. Italy

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Team 4 - SADOreste Rita- Scuola dell'infanzia - IC Siziano (PV) Italy Candan PAK-Nejdet Bıçakçıoğlu Primary School /Düzce/TURKEY

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Team 5 - AFRAIDGiuliani Giuliana- Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) Italy Michail Papadimitropoulos-Xatzivei Elementary School (Athens) Greece

Team 6 - EXCITEDMargherita Astori - Primary School-IC di Siziano ( PV) .Italy Ilona Szerksznis-PSP im. Orląt Lwowskich w Skaryszew- Poland

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Team 7- TIREDSilvia Denari-Primary School - IC Siziano (PV) ItalyBraga Alessandra-Primary School IC Siziano (PV) Italy