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Part 2

6. Preposition of time

7. Compound Adjectives

8. Which, who, whose > non-defining relative clauses

9. Participle Adjectives (-ed, -ing)
Part 3
10. Multi-word verbs (phrasal & prepositional

11. Present Passive
12. Past Passive

13. Modal Verbs : have got to, ought to, need to

14. Present passive with modal verbs
Part 1

1. Simple Past Forms :
- Positive
- Negative 
- Question

2. Simple Past Types :
- Regular
- Irregular

3. Modal Verbs in Past Tenses:
- Should / Shouldn't (for asking/giving advice)

4. Apostrophes 's & s'

5. Which / That/ Who/ Whose > defining relative clauses
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Part 2 6. Preposition of time 7. Compound Adjectives 8. Which, who, whose > non-defining relative clauses 9. Participle Adjectives (-ed, -ing)

Part 3 10. Multi-word verbs (phrasal & prepositional verbs) 11. Present Passive 12. Past Passive 13. Modal Verbs : have got to, ought to, need to 14. Present passive with modal verbs
Part 1 1. Simple Past Forms : - Positive - Negative - Question 2. Simple Past Types : - Regular - Irregular 3. Modal Verbs in Past Tenses: - Should / Shouldn't (for asking/giving advice) 4. Apostrophes 's & s' 5. Which / That/ Who/ Whose > defining relative clauses

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense

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