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I will explain the role of government policies in utilizing wealth from natural resources to finance development. (7.3.10)

I will describe the distribution of major renewable and nonrenewable resources of the region. (7.2.3)

I will describe the distribution of major renewable and nonrenewable resources of the region. (7.2.3)

I will explain how the competition for scarce resources can cause economic and polical conflict and cooperation. (7.2.2)

I will explain the role of government policies in utilizing wealth from natural resources to finance development. (7.3.10)

Materials Needed

Natural Resources of Central Asia

Lesson 2

Case Study - Israel and Desalinization
Water Crisis
Word Quest
Natural Resources of Southwest Asia

Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 3

Lesson 1

How have abundant supplies of certain natural resources supported economic development?
Essential Question:

7th Grade Social Studies Topic 14: Resources (Central and Southwest Asia)