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Understanding By Design Model

Incorporation of Affective Domain

Stage 1: Desired Results

Stage 2: Evidence

Stage 3: Learning Plan

  • Empathy & Understanding
  • Self-Regulation & Resilience
  • Value Systems & Ethical Reasoning
  • Community & Social Engagement

  • Assessment of Affective Outcomes
  • Observational & Anecdotal Evidence

  • Affective Learning Activities
  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Integration
  • Community Building

Backward Design Cognitive & Functional Domain

Wellness by Design Affective Domain

  • Read, Hear, View, Explore, & Encounter
  • Master Knowledge & Skills
  • Retain Big Ideas & Important Understandings

  • Measurement of Desired Outcomes
  • Evidence of Understanding and Proficiency

  • Knowledge and Skills to be Performed
  • Activities to Equip
  • Teach & Coach
  • Materials Required