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Teaching Climate Change and Resilience (TCCR)

In Spring 2021, we offered a series of workshops and networking opportunities to inspire integrating climate change and resilience into course materials.

In Spring 2022, we hosted Tracey Osborne, Katie Worth, and offered the first multi-campus faculty learning community (FLC) in the history of the California State University (CSU) system.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl on behalf of Climate Cafés.

In Spring 2024, we broadcasted the faculty learning community (FLC) via Zoom and led a CSU Canvas course with participation from 21 CSU campuses and three community colleges (Butte, Yuba, Santa Monica).





The impacts of climate change are increasing in our local communities throughout the world. We know that action on climate change is vital to our future, and that our classrooms can play an important role. In Chico, our community came face to face with the impacts of climate change during the historically destructive Camp Fire, as the neighboring town of Paradise fell as ash on the Chico State campus. Students returned in the Spring of 2019 asking questions about climate change, and not just in their science classes, but in all their classes. Faculty at Chico State began talking about coming together to share pedagogy and support each other. We started with a two-hour workshop on our campus that eventually led to a semester-long CSU Faculty Learning Community in Teaching Climate Change and Resilience on 24 California campuses.



Learn how to offer a Teaching Climate Change Faculty Learning Community.

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Click the image carousels above to explore how Chico State grew this award-winning program over the years.

Teaching Climate Change and and Resilience

In Spring 2021 we offered a series of workshops and networking opportunities to inspire integrating climate change and resilience into course materials.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl to facilitate a Climate Cafe.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl on behalf of Climate Cafés.

Click on the icons below to explore by topic keyword.

In Spring 2024, we broadcasted the faculty learning community (FLC) via Zoom and a CSU Canvas course with participation from 22 CSU campuses and three community colleges (Butte, Yuba, Santa Monica).





Climate Cafe



Click on the timeline above to follow growth over the years.




Teaching Climate Change and and Resilience

In Spring 2021 we offered a series of workshops and networking opportunities to inspire integrating climate change and resilience into course materials.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl to facilitate a Climate Cafe.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl on behalf of Climate Cafés.

Click on the icons below to explore by topic keyword.

In Spring 2024, we broadcasted the faculty learning community (FLC) via Zoom and a CSU Canvas course with participation from 22 CSU campuses and three community colleges (Butte, Yuba, Santa Monica).





Climate Cafe



Click on the timeline above to follow growth over the years.




Teaching Climate Change and and Resilience

In Spring 2021 we offered a series of workshops and networking opportunities to inspire integrating climate change and resilience into course materials.

In Spring 2022, we offered the first multi-campus faculty learning community (FLC) in the history of the California State University (CSU) system.

In Fall 2022, we hosted Britt Wray on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis and Kim Michl on behalf of Climate Cafés.

Click on the icons below to explore by each keyword.

In Spring 2024, we broadcasted the faculty learning community (FLC) via Zoom and a CSU Canvas course with participation from 22 CSU campuses and three community colleges (Butte, Yuba, Santa Monica).





Climate Cafe



Click on the timeline images above to explore each year.




Teaching Climate Change and and Resilience





Book and Events

Click above and discover highlights, workshops, conferences, and keynote speaker insights

Click above and discover the faculty learning community focused on teaching climate change and resilience, led by Dr. Mark Stemen, was established.

Click above and discover the recources that offers a supportive setting to discuss climate emotions, featuring facilitation tools and information on regenerative efforts.

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Click here for recent news about TCCR!

Click above and discover the TCCR Campus Sessions and recources dervied from the meetings that were conducted

Click above and discover various Books and Events related to TCCR

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In Spring 2021, faculty from all disciplines were encouraged to attend Zoom workshops, network with peers, and be inspired to integrate climate change and resilience into their course materials.


Dr. Mark Stemen (California State University, Chico) partnered with Dr. Richard Widick (University of California, Santa Barbara) to facilitate a series of workshops via Zoom.



"A Teacher's Guide to UC-CSU NXTerra" by Richard Widick (UCSB)

A video playlist of faculty discussing their course content.

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Climate Cafés introduced by Kim Michl. Read the article for more information

Miseducation by Katie Worth

Katie Worth, from near Paradise, California, explores how climate denialism is taught in U.S. schools in her book Miseducation.

Generation Dread by Britt Wray

Britt Wray studies mental health impacts of ecological crises and authors on climate crisis coping strategies.

This Way to Sustainability Conference

The TWTS Conference, led by students, addresses climate crisis solutions, aiming to educate and foster community for a sustainable future.

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Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


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Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


Check out differnet resource materials from this year


Climate Change Guide

Sarah Jaquette Ray's guide: climate resilience, advocacy, eco-guilt release

TCCR Learning Community Recources

CSU multi-campus faculty learned and shared climate change solutions and justice-focused teaching strategies, redesigned 75 classes across various disciplines.

Informative Book

Talks about integrating climate science, psychology, and communication strategies to enhance public engagement with climate change.


Interested in offering a Teaching Climate Change faculty learning community? Explore our Guidelines

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Highlights and Partnerships

In Fall 2022, Dr. Mark Stemen invited Kim Michl to facilitate a Climate Café to explore and discuss thoughts and feelings around the climate crisis and eco-anxiety. Mark also hosted Britt Wray for a public talk on behalf of her book, Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis.


Generation Dread: Finding Purpose in an Age of Climate Crisis by Britt Wray


Chico News and Review article about Climate Café gatherings.


Rise of the Necrofauna: The Science, Ethics, and Risks of De-Extinction by Britt Wray

Books and Events



Dr. Mark Stemen (California State University, Chico) partnered with Dr. Richard Widick (University of California, Santa Barbara) to facilitate a series of workshops via Zoom.


In Spring 2021, faculty from all disciplines were encouraged to attend Zoom workshops, network with peers, and be inspired to integrate climate change and resilience into their course materials.


"A Teacher's Guide to UC-CSU NXTerra" by Richard Widick (UCSB) and a video playlist of faculty who discuss incorporating climate change and/or resilience into course content by describing the change they made and the impact it had on students.


Check out differnet resource materials from this year



Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


Explore and be brought up to speed about some of our events we were able to have


Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


Check out differnet resource materials from this year


TCCR FLC Sessions

View the endless recources derived from our FLC Campus Sessions

FLC 2024 Session ZOOM Recordings

Scroll through each one of our 5 sessions we had this year and watch listen and watch our recordings

Climate Change Music Playlist

Check out some music that have brought awarness to climate change

Film Premiere: The Climate Baby Dilemma

The film "The Climate Baby Dilemma" explores parenting in a climate crisis, advocating action and resilience.

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Recognition: Publications and Awards

5/15/2024 - Chico State Today: From Polymers to Plato: Chico State Earns Global Acclaim for Integrating Climate Change into All Subjects3/24/2024 - Enterprise-Record: Bounce Back or Bouce Forward? This Way to Resilience Springs Out of Chico State Sustainability Conference 8/1/2023 - The CSU System News: CSU Honored for Innovation in Climate Change Teaching and Learning 8/1/2023 - Chico State Today: California State University Honored with Innovation Award for Faculty Learning Community Led by Chico State Professor 2/13/2023 - The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Climate-Conscious College12/8/2022 - Chico State Today: Chico State Professor Helps Reshape How CSUs Teach About Climate Change11/30/2022 - Chico News & Review: In This Together 5/20/2022 - The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)2021 - Chico State Climate Commitments

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Apple Music Playlist

Click the Apple Music logo to explore and listen to some of our Climate Jams!

Kaltura Video Playlist

Click the Kaltura logo to access the videos from the TCCR program, including workshops, reflections, presentations, and public talks.

Visit the shared Google Drive for access to resources from faculty at CSU and community colleges across the state of California.

FDEV Virtual Library

Visit the FDEV virtual library for recommended book titles that cover key areas of faculty interests and responsibilities, including climate change and resiliency.

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Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


Explore and be brought up to speed about some of our events we were able to have


Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


Check out differnet resource materials from this year



Dr. Mark Stemen (California State University, Chico) partnered with Dr. Richard Widick (University of California, Santa Barbara) to facilitate a series of workshops via Zoom.


In Spring 2021, faculty from all disciplines were encouraged to attend Zoom workshops, network with peers, and be inspired to integrate climate change and resilience into their course materials.


"A Teacher's Guide to UC-CSU NXTerra" by Richard Widick (UCSB) and a video playlist of faculty who discuss incorporating climate change and/or resilience into course content by describing the change they made and the impact it had on students.


Check out differnet resource materials from this year


Highlights and Partnerships

In Spring 2024, Dr. Mark Stemen hosted an international university film premiere of The Climate Baby Dilemma, a public talk with Dr. Sarah Jaquette Ray (Cal Poly Humboldt) and Dr. Jennifer Atkinson (University of Washington Bothell) as a pre-release to their book, The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators and hosted community partners at the Chico State This Way To Resilience symposium and expo with workshops, presentations, and discussions aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of climate change and resilience.


The Octopus in the Parking Garage(opens in new window) by Rob Verchick and The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: How to Teach in a Burning World by Dr. Sarah Jaquette Ray (Cal Poly Humboldt) and Dr. Jennifer Atkinson (University of Washington Bothell).



The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: How to Teach in a Burning World by Sarah Ray and Jennifer Atkinson

The Octopus in the Parking Garage by Rob Verchick

A shared folder of deliverable resources compiled from the Spring 2024 FLC.



Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


Explore and be brought up to speed about some of our events we were able to have


Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


Check out differnet resource materials from this year


Video Playlist

Watch a video playlist(opens in new window) of faculty discussing integrating climate change, resilience into curriculum, impact on students.

Tracey Osborne Bio

Explore more about our wonderful speaker Tracey Osborne


"A Teacher's Guide to UC-CSU NXTerra" by Richard Widick (UCSB)"


This Way To Sustainability Conference



Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


Explore and be brought up to speed about some of our events we were able to have


Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


Check out differnet resource materials from this year

Chico State Today: California State University Honored with Innovation Award for Faculty Learning Community Led by Chico State Professor

Chico State Today: Chico State Professor Helps Reshape How CSUs Teach About Climate Change

The CSU System News: CSU Honored for Innovation in Climate Change Teaching and Learning

The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Climate-Conscious College

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Enterprise-Record: Bounce Back or Bouce Forward? This Way to Resilience Springs Out of Chico State Sustainability Conference

In the NEWS







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Highlights and Partnerships

In Spring 2022, Dr. Mark Stemen (California State University, Chico) partnered with faculty at Chico, Cal Poly Humboldt, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Monterey Bay, San Marcos, Stanislaus to facilitate the first multi-campus faculty learning community in the history of the California State University system.  Participants were invited to think about teaching and learning with a focus on climate change and resilience.  Mark also hosted Dr. Tracey Osborne as the featured keynote speaker for the Chico State This Way To Sustainability conference and Katie Worth on behalf of her book, Miseducation: How Climate Change is Taught in America.


Miseducation by Katie WorthA Field Guide to Climate Anxiety by Sarah Jaquette Ray


A comprehensive list of resources (Google Doc) compiled from the Spring 2022 FLC.


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Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


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Check out our different speakers and partners featured in this years TCCR events!


Explore and be brought up to speed about some of our events we were able to have


Explore different books written by speakers, faculty, and other members alike!


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