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Principles of Design

How an artist uses all the elements of design in their artwork.

Hoover over each word to see definition.

Repetition is the act of repeating a shape, object, color, or line.

Proportion is the relative size of something in regards to something else.

Harmony occurs when elements and principles of design come together and create one piece of artwork.

Pattern is the repeating of a mixture of shapes, objects, colors, and/or lines.

Scale is the over-all size of something.

Unity occurs when elements and principles of design come together and create one piece of artwork.

Contrast is when items are not alike. So, in art, adding contrast to a piece would be putting together things that are not alike.

Variety is using different types of sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns to make a piece of art different and unique.

Balance is using images and shapes in such a way that the image as a whole is unified.

Rhythm is a type of organized movement through a piece of art. It’s when a mixture of different elements of design are used multiple times to create movement.

Movement is the way your eyes are directed throughout a piece of art.

Elements of Art

Space creates depth in a drawing. It shows area above, below, around, or within something.

Colors are hues. Or, a hue is any color. Basically, the word “hue” and “color” are one and the same. Intensity is another word that is sometimes used to describe a hue or color.

Texture is what the surface of a particular image looks like. It makes the image look as if it can be felt (more than just the smoothness of the piece of paper or canvas).

A line is a continuation of a point. Lines may look different, as they are not all the same. Lines can be straight, zigzagged, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or curved. Lines can be short, long, dashed, dotted, thick, or thin.

Form is taking one of the shapes we talked about earlier and making it 3-dimensional (while still on a 2-dimensional surface).

A shape is a two-dimensional object that is created by lines meeting together. The enclosed space between where the lines meet is called the shape. Shapes can be geometric or free form.

Value is how light or dark a color or hue is. The lightest value is pure white, while the darkest value is pure black. The value scale shows you the process of getting from the lightest value to the darkest.

Movement is the illusion that parts of the image are passing from one area to another. Rhythm is a pattern that creates movement.

The artist in this image is creating an illusion of movement of a basketball player.

The artist uses movement and rhythm to help the viewer's eyes move throughout the piece.

The artist uses movement and rhythm to help the viewer's eyes move throughout the piece.

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