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Voice-activated AI Assistant

Right on your smartphone, a voice-activated AI assistant can set reminders and integrate with your smart devices. To do this, the assistant uses supervised learning models trained on labeled data, such as voice commands paired with corresponding actions.

Streaming Service Recommendations

Streaming services use AI to recommend movies, relying on both supervised and unsupervised learning to curate personalized recommendations. This involves everything from asking your friends for suggestions to considering characteristics of the content itself, such as the genre, actors, or director. It’s like having both your friends and a talented film critic help you choose a movie!

Smart Home Thermostats

Smart home thermostats identify patterns in your behavior, discovering routines and preferences and adjusting automatically. Unsupervised learning enables occupancy sensors to identify when you're home or away, and this information optimizes device operation and saves resources.

Financial Uses

Financial organizations use AI to identify suspicious transactions, prevent fraud, and protect your accounts. This can involve all three types of ML: Fraud detection models are trained on labeled data of past fraudulent transactions, unlabeled transaction data helps detect unusual patterns or deviations from the norm, and models receive feedback on their flags to improve accuracy over time.

Navigation Tools

Navigation tools use AI to analyze traffic data and suggest optimal routes, predict arrival times, and identify road closures. This is a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning: Supervised learning helps predict the best possible drive using real-time traffic data; meanwhile, unsupervised learning identifies unusual and recurring traffic patterns.