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I will explain patterns of global economic interdependence and world trade (7.5.4)

I will explain patterns of global economic interdependence and world trade (7.5.4)

I will describe the distribution of resources and evaluate the three levels of economic activities that contribute to a country (7.3.6)

I will assess the influence of economic development and distribution of wealth in society. (7.3.11)

I will explain the role of govvernment policies in utlizing wealth from natural resources to finance development. (7.3.10)

Materials Needed

Economies of Europe and Russia

Lesson 2

Historical Event - Brexit
Distribution of Wealth
The European Union
Introduction to Economics

Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 3

Lesson 1

How has Europe become one of the most economically developed regions of the world?
Essential Question:

7th Grade Social Studies Topic 7: Economy (Europe and Russia)