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I will analyze reasons for conflict and cooperation among groups, societies, and countries, including the involvement of suranational organizations. (7.5.6)

I will compare the structures of representative governments and authoritarian systems. (7.3.7)

I will compare the structures of representative governments and authoritarian systems. (7.3.7)

I will describe how political, economic, and cultural forces challenge contemparary political arrangements leading to the devolution of states (7.5.7)

I will identify the role of the citizen in the selection of government officials and lawmaking. comparing individual liberties under different forms of government. (7.3.8)

Materials Needed

Governments of Russia

Lesson 2

The Berlin Wall
The Holocaust
Word Quest
Governments of Europe

Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 3

Lesson 1

What is Europe's legacy regarding government systems?
Essential Question:

7th Grade Social Studies Topic 6: Governments (Europe and Russia)