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Book review

Becoming a Clinical Psychologist Everything you need to know

By: Jasmine Painia


The authors are Steven Thomas Mayers and Amanda Lindiwe Mwale. At one point they were aspiring clinical psychologists. When trying to get into training courses they had some failed attempts but eventually secured one. Throughout this time they had colleagues and friends who had been through this process as well and they felt privileged to be part of a large, supportive, and informative network. Realizing that all weren't privileged considering the profession of clinical psychology they decided to write this book.

Becoming a Clinical Psychologist: Everything You Need to Know is a comprehensive guide that brings together all the essential information for pursuing a career in this competitive field. This indispensable resource offers up-to-date insights and guidance on various aspects of clinical psychology, including gaining admission to clinical psychology training programs in the UK. By addressing common questions aspiring psychologists may have and featuring detailed interviews with both seasoned professionals and trainees, this book equips psychology graduates and undergraduates contemplating a career in this domain with the necessary tools and insights. Presented in an accessible manner that cuts through complex jargon, this book serves as a valuable resource for anyone considering a career in clinical psychology."


Thoughts on book

My thoughts on the book are it's helpful. It explains what clinical psychology is, where clinical psychologists work, and how to determine if clinical psychology is the right path for you. Additionally, it provides information on how to pursue a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, including preparation for interviews and the application process. Furthermore, it offers advice from both experienced clinical psychologists and trainee clinical psychologists on their work experiences and how they initially dealt with challenges such as not being accepted into a Doctorate program. The book also covers other relevant careers in psychology and includes a list of organizations at the back where you could volunteer or find more information about mental health conditions. One thing I didn't like about the book is that it was solely focused on UK requirements. It isn’t very helpful for someone from the US unless they plan to relocate to the UK. While the book was indeed helpful, I can't solely rely on it because what they are saying might not align with the requirements in the US.