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VA Studies

test your knowledge #4



Virginia's capital was moved from Williamsburg to Richmond because the population was moving westwrd for more opportunities, Richmond was a more central location, and it increased the distance from the sea and possible attack from England.


Cultural, economic, and constitutional differences between the North and the South based in slavery eventually resulted in the Civil War. Abolitionists, The Fugitive Slave Act, and the Underground Railroad were all contributing factors as well.


During Reconstruction, Virginia faced many problems. Freed Aftican Americans needed clothing, food, education, and jobs. The economy was in ruins. Afican Americans faced injustice, increased violence, and discrimination.


John Mercer Langston was an important Afican American leader before, during, and after the Civil War. He was a free black from Viginia who was educated in Ohio and became a lawyer. He participated in the Underground Railroad. He recruited black voluteeers for the Union Army. After the war, he returned to Virginia and became the President of a new black college. He was the first African American elected to the US Congress from Virginia.