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The Most Common


CLO Community Liaison Officer


Management Jobs

Consular Services

Security Escort

As a CLO, you'll work to coordinate events for all mission members, serve as a representative of the EFM and dependents’ community on hiring and post team meetings, prepare resources for bidders, incoming staff, etc., visit schools, hospitals and other key sites that serve post members and more. The CLO office usually has a CLO lead and potentially 1 or 2 assistant CLOs and/or a newsletter editor. Sometimes the newsletter is a contract job which EFMs bid on; sometimes the CLO writes the newsletter.

Jobs in the Consular section can include performing biometric scans, making citizen visits to prisons or hospitals, supporting the investigation team, or office management tasks. Job tasks will be specified in the hiring call and are at different pay grades.

The three most common jobs in management are: Mail Room and/or Courier from airport, HR assistant (most posts need at least one US citizen HR assistant to maintain the privacy and security of US citizen personnel files) and Housing assistant. The latter will inspect homes before and after make-readies. There are also occasionally jobs supporting the Motor Pool or the Furniture/Warehouse team. EFM management jobs are internal, focused on supporting the effective running of the mission, typically not interacting with the local community or vendors.

Rovers work as needed throughout the mission. Typically they fill in for OMS (Office Management Specialist) jobs or similar positions that are unfilled or while the incumbent is away from post. They may also be assigned a particular section that they most frequently support, or be assigned tasks similar to the Security Escort when needed. Rovers are also often tasked with supporting “high-level” visits by staffing resource rooms at hotels or in the Chancery/mission buildings.

A security escort accompanies uncleared people who are visiting the consulate to perform work like installing equipment in the cafeteria or when a delegation of visitors has more people in it than is allowed to be escorted by one cleared direct hire.