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level 1

Turn to the K-W-L Chart in your Mission Log. Write down what you already know about heart disease in the K section and any questions you have about heart disease in the W section. You'll utilize this chart during your internship to track new information you acquire and any additional questions that arise.

Choose between two


Choose the correct fact about heart disease.

Over 50% of all Americans have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

About 25% of all Americans have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

Choose the correct fact about heart disease.

1 in 5 deaths in the United States is due to heart disease.

1 in 10 deaths in the United States is due to heart disease.

Choose the correct fact about heart disease.

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 4 minutes.

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.

Choose the correct fact about heart disease.

Men under age 50 are two times more likely than women of the same age to die from a heart attack.

Women under age 50 are two times more likely than men of the same age to die from a heart attack.

Great Job!

You Did IT!!

Which fact do you find most surprising?

Over 50% of all Americans have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

1 in 5 deaths in the United States is due to heart disease.

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.

Women under age 50 are two times more likely than men of the same age to die from a heart attack.








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Dr. Singh

As I mentioned, there are three tasks for you to complete before we really dive in. I've attached them to this email. Click on the folder to get started.best,Dr. Singh

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Internship Prework

Internship Prework

Complete these three tasks before reporting for the first day of your internship.

Spider WebActivity

Patient Information

STEM Reflection

An awesome title


Sections like this help you create order

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the first key term.


Dale and Marsha Williams prioritize their cardiovascular well-being by adopting heart-friendly habits that promote the health of their heart and blood vessels.

Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Cardiovascular is anything relating to the heart or blood vessels.

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the next key term.

Their daughter Emily, influenced by genetic factors passed down from both sides of the family, understands the significance of prioritizing her heart and blood vessel health, given their family history of related issues.


Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Genetics is the study of how genes and traits are passed down from one generation to the next.

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the next key term.

Emily's brother Brandon, aware of their family's health history, understands the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to support his overall well-being, recognizing the traits he's inherited from their relatives.


Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Inheritance is the passing of genetic information from parent to child.

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the next key term.

Dale Williams faces challenges with elevated cholesterol levels due to eating a lot of fried foods with a high level of fat.


Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance found in the body.

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the next key term.

Their busy lifestyle often makes it challenging for the Williams family to prioritize their health amidst the demands of work, school, and other commitments.


Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Lifestyle is the usual way of life of a person, group, or society.

Click on the blue hotspot to preview the next key term.

Despite their desire to engage in recreational activities, the Williams family often struggles to find time amidst their busy schedules, making it challenging to prioritize leisure and relaxation.


Listen or read the sentence, then answer the question to demonstrate your understanding of the term.


Recreation is physical activity pursued for enjoyment and to refresh health or spirits.

Internship Prework

Spider WebActivity

Patient Information

Project Goals

An awesome title


Sections like this help you create order

Now that you've received some general information about our patient, Emily Williams, let's practice collaboration. Collaboration, or teamwork, is crucial in cardiology. You not only work closely with patients but also collaborate with other medical professionals. Follow the steps in your Mission Log to experience teamwork. Once you complete the activity, return here to continue our prework.

I hope you enjoyed the game! Now, consider the concept of collaborating with others. Review the list of words below, and select the list that best represents collaboration.

List 3

teamworkwin loseplaying opponent

List 2

cooperateteamwork partnership togethercommunity

List 1

resistindependently togethersingleteamwork

Internship Prework

Spider WebActivity

Patient Information

Project Goals

An awesome title


Sections like this help you create order

Now that you've learned about this mission and the patient you'll be helping, spend some time in your Mission Log to reflect on this project, the goals you want to set, and what you hope to get out of this internship. Dr. Singh and I look forward to reading through each of your reflections and making sure you get the most out of this experience.

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