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By:Gadiel Vasquez

Topics of Interest


Gun control in America

Stricter gun control measures infringe upon the Second Amendment right to bear arms, which they see as a fundamental constitutional right that should not be restricted

Should the drinking age be lowered

Lowering the drinking age could facilitate educational efforts around responsible drinking. With legal access to alcohol, young adults could be better educated about the effects of alcohol

Tik tok ban

TikTok faced various challenges related to bans and restrictions in certain regions, primarily due to concerns over data privacy, national security, and content regulation

  • At 18 years old, individuals are considered legal adults and gain various rights and responsibilities
  • With legal access to alcohol, young adults could be better educated about the effects of alcohol, responsible consumption, and the dangers of excessive drinking
  • Lowering the drinking age acknowledges the maturity and decision-making abilities of 18-year-olds. It allows them to make responsible choices regarding alcohol consumption,

Should the drinking age be lowered


Critics of the current drinking age argue that it fosters a culture of hypocrisy, where underage drinking is prevalent but not openly acknowledged or regulated. Lowering the drinking age could reduce the stigma associated with alcohol consumption and encourage more open dialogue about responsible drinking habits.

How will the world change if the drinking age lowered?


You only need to be 18 years old to purchase an assault weapon, play the lottery and vote, yet you still need to be 21 to taste your first sip of alcohol.

The legal drinking age in America should be lowered to 18 to protect the safety of young adults beginning to consume alcohol.

Lowering the drinkimg age in favor

Binge drinking culture and the use of fake IDs have serious consequences for inexperienced drinkers, particularly on college campuses.

Alcohol consumption can interfere with development of the young adult brain’s frontal lobes


Keeping the drinking age as it keeps will be the wises thing to do because teens at the age of 18 are not fully mature yet and they can cause irrisponle decsions

LOwering the drinking age agaisnt

Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 will allow a greater population to drink alcohol in bars and nightclubs, which are not safe environments.

+ info

Supporting Lowering the Drinking Age: Lowering the drinking age can encourage a healthier relationship with alcohol by integrating responsible consumption into young adults' cultural norms. In countries where the drinking age is lower, individuals often learn to drink in moderation from a younger age, leading to a more mature and responsible attitude towards alcohol.

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+ info

Reducing Unsafe Drinking Practices:Prohibiting alcohol consumption until the age of 21 could promote safer drinking practices by allowing young adults access to regulated establishments where responsible consumption can be monitored and promoted, reducing the likelihood of binge drinking and associated risks.

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Adult Rights and Responsibilities:At 18, individuals gain the right to vote, serve in the military, and make other significant life decisions. Lowering the drinking age to 18 aligns with the recognition of young adults' ability to take on adult responsibilities. It allows them to make informed choices about alcohol consumption in line with their other rights and responsibilities.

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Increased Traffic Accidents:Critics argue that lowering the drinking age could lead to a rise in alcohol-related traffic accidents among young adults. They cite statistics showing that the current drinking age of 21 has been effective in reducing drunk driving fatalities among this demographic and fear that lowering the age could reverse this trend.

Counter 1

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Negative Health Effects:Opponents contend that exposing younger individuals to alcohol at an earlier age could have detrimental effects on their physical and mental health. They argue that the brain is still developing until the mid-20s, and early exposure to alcohol could impair cognitive functions and increase the risk of addiction and other health issues later in life.

Counter 2

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Social Costs:Critics also raise concerns about the potential social costs associated with lowering the drinking age, such as increased rates of underage alcohol abuse, alcohol-related violence, and alcohol poisoning among teenagers and young adults.


The drinking age should be lowered!!!


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