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The Hepatitis C puzzle. Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver, someone in the neighborhood is affected, but who could it be?

01 / 05

Mr. Smith, who works as a chef at a local restaurant

Mrs. Johnson, who recently returned from a trip to Asia

Mr. Karaam, who owns and operates a gaming business

Drag the magnifying glass to discover the 5 options and then choose the correct answer

Ms. Garcia, who is known to have a history of intravenous drug use

Mr. White, who frequently donates blood at the local blood bank

Sharing needles or other equipment for intravenous drug use.

Casual contact with an infected individual, such as shaking hands

Lending a water bottle to a friend.

Consuming contaminated food or water.

Mosquito bites carrying the Hepatitis C virus

02 / 05

Drag the magnifying glass to discover the 5 options and then choose the correct answer

What is the primary mode of transmission for Hepatitis C?

Yellowing of the skin and the eyes

Muscle ache and joint pain

His cat started doing taxes

Red feet

Rash and itching all over the body

His cat gained super powers

Persistent cough and shortness of breath

03 / 05

Drag the magnifying glass to discover the 7 options and then choose the correct answer

Mr. Smith is showing symptoms of Hepatitis C, what could he be going through?

Blood tests to detect HCV antibodies and viral RNA

Sleep paralysis demon wearing an accounting outfit told him

Imaging tests such as ultrasounds or MRI scans.

His cat told him

The cia told him through his laptop by hijacking it

His friend told him

The dentist told him.

Aliens beamed the knowledge into his brain

Liver biopsy to examine tissue samples for signs of damage

A figure told him in a dream

04 / 05

Drag the magnifying glass to discover the 10 options and then choose the correct answer

Mr. Smith went to the hospital to get diagnosed, which is the best way to find out?

Reducing viral replication and using direct-acting antiviral drugs to target stages of the HCV lifecycle

Eliminating the virus completely from the body

Aspirin and other NSAIDS

Managing symptoms to improve quality of life

The answer may be on the right side :)

Wear a saran-wrap suit to prevent him from transferring it to other people

Freebie, this is not the right one

Preventing transmission to others through safe practice

Toughen up his immune system by telling him to chew gum thats spat on the floor

Antibiotics such as penicillin or azithromycin

05 / 05

Drag the magnifying glass to discover the 12 options and then choose the correct answer

Interferon injections combined with ribavirin

Increasing viral replication by using direct-acting antiviral drugs

What are the best treatment options for Mr. Smith?


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