Cosmic Adventure
Created on April 30, 2024
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Cosmic Adventure
Roll the dice!
Players start with a token - which represents each of them - in the initial square and take turns rolling the dice. The tokens move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending order. If, at the end of a move, a player lands on a square where a ladder begins and answers the question correctly, they move up it to the square where it ends. But if they answer the question incorrectly then they have to stay in the same square and are unable to use the ladder.If, on the other hand, they land on a square where a snake's tail begins and answers a question wrong, they move it down to the square where its head ends. But if they answer the question correctly then they can stay in the same square.
If the player falls on the bottom of a ladder, they move up to the top square where the ladder ends.
If the player lands on a square where the tail of a snake starts, they go down to a lower square where the headis located.