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Test Presentation

Ali Ebrahimpour



ECD Framework Journey

Step 3

Step 2

Step 4

Step 1

Delivery system model


Domain Modeling

domain analysis

I Appreciate you!

Domain Analysis

-Questionnaire -Interviews with colleagues and professors-Feedback from assessment experts

- computer-mediated test powered by AI-responses will be sent through a report-how to improve their speaking-analysis of their grammar and vocabulary


-It's renovation of speaking-Enhaces speaking skills-Positive washback-Increase authenticity


-Challenging task and helpful to assess Speaking-Need for redesigning OC test-Importance of speaking proficiency


Redesigning my questionnaire

Task Model:Adaptability of questions regarding section 1??Assembly Model:3 sectionsorder of sections: speaking ability, Speaking & CT and CT & SpeakingTiming range from 1 minute to 3 minutesPresentation Model:Computer-mediated test

Student Model: FluencyInteractional competenceVocabulary/GrammarPronunciation/ComprehensibilityProblem identificationSolution generation Logical reasoningEvidence Model:Evidence rule: Scoring is between 1 and 4, lowest to highest.Measurement Model: Observable variables and Latent observable variables MFRM, inter-rater and inter-rating dependability