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Norman, SiobhanMGMT 4470.003Individual Project #2

Individual project # 2

Siobhan Norman MGMT 4470.003

Skills Approach

The skills approach is a leader centered process which utilizes three different types of skills to help one succeed. The three types are human skills, conceptual skills, and technical skills. Human skills include one's ability to have empathy and relate to those around you. Conceptual skills are defined by the ability to envision and develop ideas which, is ideal in the head of organizations. Lastly technical skills are the ability to complete one's tasks using the skills they've learned. This form of leadership requires a leader to use introspection to gauge where they are headed.


A non-profit organization is finding that having too many opinions slows down the process of completing major projects. Many decisions are made without proper communication which forces teammates to act last minute. When the reason for these decisions aren't properly explained to the team, it causes confusion and lack of motivation amongst members.



How does the skills approach relate?

The head leader could utilize human skills to work with a small group within upper management and ensure that everyone is on the same page about making a singular decision. Rather than asking for the opinions of all team members each leader will bring what they’ve learned about their team's perspective and spend time discussing a decision that benefits each party. The main leader will then implement lines of communication between upper management and teams to ensure all of the information is expressed in a consistent and concise manner..

Human Skills

The head leader could utilize conceptual skills by developing a plan to tackle the decision making process. They could take into consideration the major goal of the organization and all the factors that must be considered before a decision can be made. They could also develop a check-in process or a company newsletter that's developed weekly to to ensure that all the information is up to date and readily available.

Conceptual Skills

The head leader could utilize technical skills by implementing knowledge learned over the course of their life to recognize what processes will help team members retain information consistently. Finding ways to personalize these meetings according to company values also requires the technical skill of analysis as one must know the strengths of the organization. One could apply creative technical skills when developing the company newsletter ensuring that team members are interested and confident in their knowledge of the agenda!

Technical Skills

implement the processes developed by utilizing communication tools and analyzing the companies goals.

Technical skills

Identifying the factors that get in the way of the decision making process and develop a system to tackle those issues when they arise.

Conceptual skills

Generating a newsletter to give team members access to the organizations agenda weekly.

Human skills


When the skills approach is applied within the non-profit the three different types of skills combine to create a sense of harmony amongst team members. Human skills allowed for the opportunity to discuss what's going well and what's not. It also concentrated the decision making process within upper management to take pressure off of employees. Conceptual skills gave the company a better framework to operate within when making decisions. Finally, technical skills were utilized when the processes were implemented and creativity, analysis, as well as project management were used to streamline processes.


Without the application of the skills leadership approach the non-proft organization suffered from poor communication, decision making paralysis, and difficulty with defining the leader. This resulted in a lack of motivation amongst team members when they feel uncertain and ununcomfident in their decisions. This leads to to disorganization and mishaps in regard to deadlines.




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