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HLTH 200 Research Presentation over Clinician Burnout Paper with Trivia for the interactive element requirement


Clinician Burnout & Psychology

Callie H. Clark

My Research Overview:

  • According to the American Medical Association, "Physician burnout is a long‑term stress reaction" (AMA, 2023)
    • To get further into it Clinician Burnout is a psychological syndrome that can be expressed as a prolonged respinde due to chronic occupational stessors (NIH, 2021)
  • Burnout makes the healthcare practitioners feel many things like emotional exhaustion, lack of empathy towards patients, depersonalization of patients, feelings of decreased personal achievement, anger, restlessness, anxiety, and panic
  • This is concerning in any type of healthcare worker especially ones that deal with patients in a hands-on way
    • it is even more concerning when you look at psychologists or psychiatrists because they help patients regulate their feelings, through trauma or getting over/through traumatic events, and with mainting who they are (depending on what type of psychology they specialize in)
  • 21-67% of mental health workers experience high levels of stress and clinician based burnout (Morse, Salyers, Rollins, et al., 2012)
    • this was a study that looked at mental health professionals burnout by asking them questions about their productivity (which they all said they felt like they were being very productive and accomplishing a lot), emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization. The intersting thing about these studies is that when investigators gave them a single item measure (a I agree or don't agree statement) only 18% of mental health workers said they agreed, even though they identified earlier with most if not all of the symptoms of burnout. The statement was " I currently have problems with burnout".
  • Something I found really intriguing in my research is that most burnout studies do no compare the field's rate or burnout to another field.
    • I personally thought it was interesting that they did this, because wouldn't you want to identify field like psychology who have higher rates of burnout to better prepare future workers, make plans to fix the current issues that arise/cause the burnout, and better assist your workers in the field going through this? This is one of the points I make in my paper. I know this would have be done correctly or people would just be like no my field is more stressful or my field is more stressful.
  • My Thesis: Mental health professionals are very susceptible to clinician burnout, but are the least likely to seek out help.
    • This is because of the field they work in and the thought process that they can deal with it or that it is normal.





CLinician Burnout & Psychology


Question 1/4


As I mentioned in my overview Clinician Burnout is a psychological condition. Many practitioners in the field of psychology will tell their patients, families, and friends how to managae their stress, and to take it seriously without taking their own advice. Many psychologists go untreated for clinician burnout due to their high patient loads and not wanting to be seen as not able to complete their job.




The correct answer is Physician Burnout! Many practitioners of care and healthcare workers do consider burnout to be the downside to healthcare though. Both terms are used interchangeablely even though and are defined the same way



The correct answer is Physician Burnout! Many practitioners of care and healthcare workers do consider burnout to be the downside to healthcare though. Both terms are used interchangeablely even though and are defined the same way




FALSE!!!Mental Health Professionals are very likely to go through burnout. They deal directly with patients emotions in a more indepth manner than other healthcare professionals, and according to Webster and Hackett's research in 1999, mental health professionals are less likely to take care of their own emotional states.





All of the above (: Decreased empathy, negativity and criticism of their own work, canceling appointments of showing up late, daydreaming or distracted when with patients, feeling emotionally drained or overwhelmed, a sense of disconnection, self-medicating or numbing burnout with alcohol or other behaviors, feeling distanced from career and loved ones, reduced work performance, trouble sleeping, stress eating, anxiety or worry, and problems bleeding into other areas of life are all sign of burnout commonly seen in mental health professionals

End of the quiz!

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed my presentation :)