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Using Pictures in Inspection Reports


  • More influence than technical data

Inspection Photography

  • Improve clarity of reports

Advantage of pictures

  • Can use any camera type

  • Carry enough memory, batteries, and accessories

Using pictures

  • Allow pictures >> include proof of violations in notes

  • Want pictures of confidential information >> find a different picture angle

If the facility does not

  • Store pictures in a safe location

  • Be familiar with equipment

  • Take all the photos you need for

  • Do not photograph the team


  • Reporting
  • Your own use / as refresher

Before leaving, the inspector may show the pictures, but it is usually not required

In their metadata, digital pictures include

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location (should be georeferenced)
Metadata is
  • Hard to modify
  • Often forgotten

  • Digital and physical
  • Unalterable

  • Privacy issues
  • Photograph might show a breach in protocol and invalidate the evidence

Photography Storytelling

Use photography to:

  • Support the narrative

  • Put things in context

Alone, the three pictures alone don’t give a lot of information; together, they may show non-compliance

1. Establishing shot

2. Subject shot

3. Close-up or detailed shot

Unique details of an object or event

Wider area with subject and background

Object of interest

Documenting with Pictures

Cover all sides or angles

Show in pictures that no information was missed

Use photograph to

As in any part of the inspection, identify answers to:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How?

  • Include all elements of proof

  • Demonstrate the facts you are trying to prove

Document notes on pictures in the inspection log as basis for the inspection report

Electronic Inspection Recording Devices

New technologies canbe used in inspections

  • Improve the quality and consistency of information collected

  • Takes and records pictures

  • Streamline the inspection process with integrated


  • Require learning new software

  • Creates a barrier with the workers

o Software

o Tools

  • People in the facility see the inspector doing something they cannot see, and can make them uncomfortable

o Tools

o Checklists

  • Two main systems

o Mobile digital devices (smart phones or tablets)

o Drones or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)

Takes photos in the highest resolution possible, to ensure no details are lost


Correct! The context of a photo should be documented and included in the report.

When including photography in the inspection report, it is important that the inspector:

Document the context of the photo (e.g., when and where they were taken)

Stores as duplicates of all photos as backup in an external drive

Always uses a mobile digital device

Using Pictures in Inspection Reports

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Shows release from drum to soil

Shows leakage

Shows poor condition of drum

  • Additional data collection capabilities
  • Real-time site mapping aerials for site documentation
  • Terrain modeling
  • Inspector safety >> can operate in hazardous situations
  • Cost reduction
  • Efficient ->>controlled from a single location
  • High resolution imagery
  • Monitoring sensors

Benefits of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

  • Reconnaissance
  • Mapping
  • Bird’s eye view

  • Pre-visit
  • Post-visit
  • Ongoing

  • Erosion
  • Deforestation
  • Forest mapping
  • Riverbanks

  • Logistics
  • Planning

  • Optical photo/video
  • Infrared/thermal
  • Multispectral

  • Noxious gas
  • Light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
  • Water quality
  • Streamflow

Some of these may be good practices but are not essential for the use of photography as proof. Please review the information on photographic storytelling and try again.

Some of these may be good practices but are not essential for the use of photography as proof. Please review the information on photographic storytelling and try again.

  • Improve consistency and clarity of information
  • Optimize inspection resources
  • Improve the quality, consistency, and timeliness of inspections
  • Manage inspection planning, field data collection, and evidence
  • Prepare field inspectors to conduct and document their inspections in the office and the field
  • Provide inspectors with full electronic access to relevant data, guidance, and reference materials
  • Integrate software to create a draft inspection report upon completion of an inspection based on the inspectors’ electronic field notes and coupled with all evidence (including photos)

Benefits of Mobile Digital Devices

Some of these may be good practices but are not essential for the use of photography as proof. Please review the information on photographic storytelling and try again.