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FlorentinoTellez Portfolio

Q2 Project

Soccer Conference Game

Washington Trip

Q1 Bellwork

Q1 Vocabulary

Poetry Analysis


Research Paper

Dante´s Inferno Pre

Ski Trip

Academic and Personal accomplishments of 2023-2024

They can be discussions of course assignments, life events, athletic achievements, employment, social activities, etc.

Silver Rifles


Q1 Bellwork

European Literature

The Q1 bellwork work was a very interesting learning experience that I did for the first time. The Q1 Bellwork consists of phrases or small sentences with an important message that makes you reflect on different perspectives. For example, one of the most interesting ones that I reflected on was “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” In this sentence, you have to explain your opinion. What you understand from the phrase, and what was something that you found interesting about this work. I think it constantly helped me improve my way of writing and my way of interpreting sentences in English. Another example of the most interesting is “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." At first, it was difficult to understand any of these sentences, as they weren't direct, you needed to reflect more deeply. Every quarter, we have one of these and we continue to develop our writing and reading comprehension skills.

LINK TO THE BELLWORKShttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSbr-flfR6ijyZa81fusvvEPzzCCMVZqAmz5ccbSbDhj4KsyG5XB7aqzXuhzHFkqKeRyumBsFQrIgQm/pub

Research Paper

European Literature

During this research paper, I had many difficulties but also many things to learn that helped me know how to correctly carry out a research paper. My paper was about how engineering and business are related and how they can complement each other to create efficient business models and better engineering programs. In this project I learned to use the MLA format, which was very effective when it came to organizing my information and my references since with this program I was able to correctly form all my thoughts and opinions, information, and everything related to the topic instead of having them disorganized and without any purpose. Throughout the year, I think that this was the most challenging project, but I do not regret having worked and learned from this project, since it will be one of the most useful jobs later when he enters university or even when I enter college or laboral life.

LINK TO THE RESEARCH PAPERhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR9vzCz1gGuFRjbrE9Fs9cAMb-XTZCQ8-Xu2DVwJ9_h1i79K3KPidWKdeQ2V-tel8RRUCDkTBfId628/pub

Q1 Vocabulary

European Literature

In the vocabulary, we select 35 words for which we don't know their meaning and find the best possible definition. In Q1, I learned many different words that I normally would not use. Some of the words were: wrath, fanaticism, atrocity, and miser. The main purpose of these activities is to expand your knowledge and comprehension of words in English. Being a foreign student helps me develop better communication skills and gives me more confidence while speaking English. Then we went on to learn more complex words and, above all, expand our vocabulary. This work helps us to have consistency and a routine that we can maintain even after this class comes to an end. When looking for the definition of these words, try to find a definition that you could understand and one that would include other words to thus expand your knowledge about the word.

LINK TO THE Q1 VOCABULARY https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX 1vTqH6i60Wn6piT4Kd60BVzz6qxlvIWa8j8KUNqUMIPof8BIFgqgvkWFieQ9GymxwkQV-o7ybNc4MExe/pub

Q2 Project

European Literature

For this project, we decided to do a podcast. Where we talked Of the two or more works we read this semester, we chose a poem and the book of Macbeth. I worked on this project with Max Hach and Ramón Ponce. In my opinion, the podcast came out very fluidly, as we are very close friends and we are used to having conversations of controversy or constant discussion. In this, we discussed which was our favorite character, some quotes from the poem, and what we wanted what they meant, but we also gave ourselves time to explore each other's perspectives on whether the book was good material or not something recommended for other teenagers. Something to improve the project can be better planning, time distribution, or even some video editing. In general, I think this was a very fatherly experience that we should repeat for years to come.

Unfortunately, I don't count on this material any more.

Dante´s Inferno Presentation

European Literature

This presentation is meant to summarize a different canto for each of us about the novel Dante's Inferno. In this case, I describe canto 5 and 6, which are represented by Carnal, Lustful, and Gluttons. Something that made it difficult for me at the beginning of the presentation was that the book was not written in traditional English if it wasn't written in old English, and some words were difficult to understand. This presentation was to help us understand and interpret the actions that were taking place in the book. I liked my part of the presentation since I had the Cerbero dog described in the presentation as a three-headed dog who takes care of the gates of hell. This presentation helped us see other perspectives from other students. And instead of reading the whole book, make an individual summary of each song. In general, I enjoyed this presentation and especially the book.

LINK TO THE PRESENTATIONhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSU3sVyP2p32UO_8PcdqbZfuWdh5kgZm2cB_cXiSON54Xr8NbSJhBgk4o4Hra1f086TrOpDtkBKtJpH/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Poetry Analysis

European Literature

In this work, we analyze three different poems. The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Enemy, and St. Crispin’s Day Speech. are about the cavalry soldiers who obeyed orders, which makes me feel a little identified because we are in a military school. The poem explains the theme of the soldier's obedience to the orders of their superiors. The enemy talks about a conflict from the perspective of innocent people. It's impressive how the innocence of the child is expressed in the poem and the vulnerability. St. Crispin’s Day Speech. talks about a strong bond and how that can help you in difficult times. The value and inclusion of those who are considered of low status are also going to be recognized for their efforts. The poems taught me how to analyze a text correctly, and personally, I enjoyed this activity. I hope, in the future, to be able to do it again.

LINK TO THE POETRY ANALYSIS\https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQfjjz7pE6olWRLiM-UE7BoWZGcN5bbFBt6ovqo-Rfq5N27qpFqwo3vhUexwHVYgvdyduVdVeiUYGHR/pub

Soccer Conference Game


Last year, during a playoff soccer match, our time was down by 1 goal with 15 minutes on the clock. I took a look at the team, and to my surprise, the only thing I saw was people giving up and thinking the game was over. At that time, I decided to motivate the team and make that extra effort. My teammates saw me giving 110% to win, and they started playing to win. We ended up winning that day. This was one of the toughest matches and therefore was among the most parenting experiences that I had in the year. I learned a lot about my skills and, above all, how to overcome difficulties that can arise in any kind of situation. Next year, which is my last year at Saint John's, I also plan to be in soccer.

Ski Trip


Sking was an important part of the year, as we had many personal experiences with my friends that I will remember after preparatory school. For example, on one of the trips we went to the place of Los Altos in person, I was not used to doing any trick skiing and was somewhat nervous, but in the end, it was a fun experience, and above all, I repeated it on the other trips that I do not regret having done. Another example is a day when I didn't want to go skiing. I thought I'd stay at school and relax, but deciding on the trip turned out to be one of the most fun trips we had, and above all, one in which I learned how to ski correctly. Generally, skiing is an important part of my year.



Tennis was a very fun part of the year, especially learning. At the beginning of the year, I was already rather a beginner in the sport, and as the year went by, I went practicing and practicing for the tennis season. By the time the tennis season came, I was more than ready to join the varsity team. In the previous year, I had played in pairs, but this year I wanted to try something different to play just because I considered it a more competitive way of playing the sport. During all the games I played, I won several and I lost several, but the important thing was that I lost the fear of playing alone, and above all, I learned to play much better than before. In conclusion, I think tennis was a very fun part of my year.

Washington Trip


The trip was organized by the U.S History class where we were taken by several students to walk and visit the streets of Washington. this trip It was a great experience as it was the first time I visited Washington but it was also something educational as I had to make a presentation about a particular monument. to me I touched the Monument to the Korean War the monument are several statues of soldiers from different branches of the army each with its uniform features and clothes. This moment was built to honor all those soldiers who fought in the Korean War and unfortunately did not return home. among the monuments that I liked most was the White House Capitol and the John F. Kennedy Monument personally was a very fun trip in which I learned a lot about the history of America.

Mexico Trip


My trips to Mexico and back to my home and the place where I live were important parts of the year. In total, I traveled four times to Mexico, one in December, one in November, and one in March. All these trips meant a lot, as I shared time with my family and with my friends that I did not see throughout the year. Most of the time I spent with my mom, my dad, and my sister, but I also went out with my friend constantly. On one of these trips, I went to the beach with my family, and we stayed there for six days. The smell of the beach was something indescribable and really helped me to relax and distance myself from both school and America. Something that was very strange was the food. Mexican food is the richest food in the world, especially my favorite. Overall, all my trips to Mexico were to be with the family and enjoy Mexican food.

Silver RIfles


Lastly, silver rifles were one of the sports that I thought I wasn't going to like so much, but in the end, it was a favorite. At first, I didn't know how to turn the rifle. As the months went by, I gained more experience and practice. The first trip was to Minnesota; unfortunately, I did not compete in exhibition but in regulation. The second trip was to Kansas, where they also competed in regulation. and the last one was to the nationals who were in Florida. Orlando in this last competitive regulation, and in inspection, that sport has given me many experiences with my friends that I will always remember and that are very valuable, and that for next year will help me at the time of competing again. In general, the sport of silver rifles is an important part of my year, and without it, it would not have been what it was.