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We're 100% CNC

G3cnc is a CNC training platform designed to systematically help you improve YOUR quality of life through career advancement and personal development.



upskilling the cnc industry


This is done via our online platform which you now have personal access to. Our system is different from what you’d probably expect because we don't follow the old boring model of doing things. G3CNC gives you the tools & learning experiences you need to improve your work situation, improve your personal life, and improve your future.Each member will get a personal account and their training content will travel with them throughout their career. You will also get access to the G3CNC community which is a great way to engage with the instructors in real time. Imagine being able to ask technical or career questions and get an immediate response!We deliver the training material using techniques which are proven to help you absorb the most information, and to prevent information overload. Information is delivered in small doses, often in sessions that are 30 minutes or less, making it easier than ever to incorporate education into your workday, giving you the tools, you need to confidently increase your earning potential.

The new way to train

A New Way

Our platform


G3cnc works with businesses large and small to offer free or paid CNC training courses to their employees and memberships with their employees that they can take with them wherever they go. We do anything from entry level blueprint reading to advanced level CNC machining training. Ingrained in all our training are snippets of professional and personal development tools & techniques that can transform your life in a positive direction. We’ll guide you along a focused path and make sure that you’re feeling confident the whole way. If you stick with us, stay committed, focused and passionate about learning, you’re in good company. Remember, the decisions you make today determine who you will be in 6 months. For more information go to www.g3cnc.net

The new way to train

A New Way

Our platform


Our courses utilize this type of content that creates engagment levels unheard of in the past. But we go way deeper then this, I guess we're kinda of nerds on ths subject. Visual content is a transversal, universal language, like music. We can understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures. We generally grasp visual content better. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. We receive things through our eyes; the first image is what counts. We associate visual content with emotions.Our brains are hardwired to consume visual content. Some facts: we receive 90% of the information we process through sight and we process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. That’s why visual communication is more effective.

dynamic interactive media, visual content

A New Way

incredible results

A New way, A better way

When complete, you will have a thorough understand of the machine specifications, features, navigation and operation. Training rentention & records: The training remains in your personal training dashboard for future reference should you need to access certain aspects of it, kind of like having your own personal how to video library off important stuff. This is will always be linked to your personal account. Online Access to Technical Experts: You can also engage a g3CNC technical expert for technical support through our systems internal chat feature for real time, live technical support relating to the training/machine. It's like having a technical expert on speed dial should you get into a jam. Custom Development: If your specific CNC machine is not in our training library, that's ok, our development process allows us to develop a training for your specific machine. Contact us for more infomation.


What you do today will determine who you will be in 6 months


This is an interactive (you will have to click stuff) training tool designed to help you navigate your CNC Machine and to be used to teach new employees about the machine.

"Extraordinary results come from doing ordinary things exceptionally well for a long time."

Welcome to this Course

So sections will be a video (they are usually short), in those cases just sit back and watch the video.

You do not have to complete this training in one sitting. You can complete any amount of any given training at a time. When you log back in next time if will pick up exactly where you left off.

In the upcoming slide(s), you will find image(s) with interactive elements. To access information, hover your mouse over the interactive element, or click the element to access information.


This is considered a Quick Start Guide and is not a substitution for professional, hands-on training. The objectives for this course are:

"Long-term thinking eliminates a lot of poor behavior."

Welcome to this Course

While cutting out all of the noise & fluff. In this way we can get down to business quickly and not consume too much of your time.

To provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary for fundamentally safe & sound machine utilization.

The material provided here is the culmination of over thirty years of hands-on experience and thousands of hours of research identifying the most important aspects needed for success.


We will explore a variety of topics specifically selected to shorten the learning curve and get you up and running in a dramatically shorter amount of time. The g3cnc Machine Quick Start is the most effective tool available to "turbo-charge" your machine learning. We will spend time on several topics.

Explore the course

transformational CNC Machine Operation training

Topic 2

Topic 2

Topic 6

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 1


Because our training is online based, the days of sitting in boring training classes with a bunch of other dudes & gals are over. No more rearranging your schedule to be at work for certain times for trainings. Every user gets a training seat and will have access to the training material linked to their account. You will progress through the material in a sequential manner. Every week, an email will remind the user to engage the training for 15-60 mins over the course of that week, THAT'S IT!Because we are essentially providing key concepts on a weekly basis, you're now able to continously learn important technical and career stuff sort of automatically. Looks pretty cool on a resume too.


scheduling conflicts no more

Never stop learning...

If you want more opportunities at work, ask yourself: What does someone do who is not getting opportunities? Chances are, the person is unreliable, low-energy, and tends to complain. Avoid these if you want to advance.



Even once we established tool offsets, we still need to identify the data necessary for the machine to understand our workpiece, stroke length(s) or other parameters. That is what we will do here.

Cutting Tools


Hand in hand with the last subject, once our cutting tools are installed, we have to provide some data to the computer so that it knows what we just put in their. This is the process of assigning or establishing tool offsets. Whether using a probe, automatic cycle or manual process, here we will look at the procedure in detail.

How to..


Sometime you need to remove the spindle chuck and replace it with something else...and that thing is heavy. This process can vary some from builder to builder, but overall is similar. We want to make sure you know the exact process to safely remove and replace the chuck.


The Display

Unfortunately, computers are always changing. In the CNC industry, seems like everyone is using a proprietary system, which is certainly challenging. Here we will unpack the display in detail and go through every page so you can access whatever you need.

Machine technical details..


We will look at the machine specs, capabilties, features etc..so we have a decent understanding of what we are working with. Not an exhaustive study, more of a high level fact finding mission. We are going to give you an unvarnished view/opinion of the machine.


Coordinate System

If you familiar with this type of machine, this will be a cake walk for you. If you are not, this is where you will see which axis is which on the machine as well as the positive & negative directions of each. This is going to be important when you start making offset adjustments.

One of the most common tasks

Cutting Tools

Taking cutting tools out of the machine and putting new or different cutting tools in the machine is one of the most frequent tasks we do. So we are on the same page, we will go through the process for various types of tools so you can see a detailed process using best practice.

Button by Button

The Control Panel

A detailed look at the control panel and what buttons are which, and what they do.