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MICRO-LESSON DEMOQuest Two and Three


Module Introduction and Objective Explanation

I must say, I am certainly impressed!

It's not my opinion that matters, though! Don't get lazy, you haven't won yet!

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Ye be near, but near ain't snatchin' ye gold and booty. One final voyage to test if ye have what it takes to join me hearty crew.

Quest One

Quest Two

This Quest is locked. Come back after you complete Quest One and Two.

This Quest is Complete. Great job!

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Text 2. Explain the connection between interdependence. and competition.

text one. What is the connection between hydroelectricity and solar electricity?

click and drag the top card to the discard pile at the start of each turn.

Text 2. Explain the concept of interdependence as it relates to ecosystems.

Text one. determine the meaning of the word harness as it is using the text.

Click and drag the top card to the discard pile at the start of each turn.


Text one. according to the text, why are scientists now looking to the sun and water for energy needs?

Text 2. What are some resources that might encourage competition?

Mutualism is a type of relationship where both animals involved. benefits from the exchange. Which two animals from the text have this relationship?

Text 2 Explain the relationship between the monarch butterfly and the milkweed.

Text 2. determine the meaning of RELIES as used in the text.

Text 1. Determine the main idea of paragraph 3.

What is the main idea of text one?

Free Space!

Free Space!

Free Space!

You Picked a...

Turn Counter

You Picked a...

You Picked a...

Discard the top card from the deck at the start of each turn

You can go in any open box!

You can go in any open box!

You can go in any open box!

Remember to discard at the beginning of each turn!

After answering the question, click and drag a treasure chest to an empty box that matches the dot color on your question card.

At the start of each turn, click and drag a question card to the discard pile above.

At the end of each turn, click and drag a check mark to the turn number you completed.

Quest Two Complete!

So far so good. You earned some treasure and some attention from Barnacle Bob! Catch your breath because there is more up ahead!

Task Directions and Overview of Tasks.

Quest One

Quest Two

Quest Three

This Quest is Complete. Great Job!

This Quest is Complete. Great Job!

Return to the Map

Task Complete

The navigation buttons can be found at the bottom right corner. The application is integrated directly into the pages, allowing you to annotate and engage with the content without the need to switch browsers.

Click here when you have complete all three tasks in Quest Three

An interactive introduction to Point of View and Accounts, featuring activities like puzzles and games.

Utilize the annotation tool located at the bottom of the screen to read and highlight the keywords in the text that signify the type of account being described.

Match the definitions of Point of View and Accounts accurately and swiftly to achieve the quickest time with the fewest moves!

As a journalist, you have been given four interviews, each with its own set of limitations and biases from different individuals. Your task is to compile an article utilizing the information gathered from these interviews.

The author's voice implies the speakers' and narrators' tones and attitudes. This unit analysis tones and attitudes of different points of view and types of accounts

Characterization analysis across different texts, passages, and films.

Quest Complete

Click each icon to reveal the activity. Click the icon again to hide the activity.

Click to Enter Class Code NY294F. This activity features two passages. To access the audio, click on the play button in each passage's top left corner.

Click to Enter Class Code Cegunra. This activity features two passages. To access the audio, click on the play button in each passage's top left corner.

Each quest has a unique theme. Click on the corresponding icon to complete each task.

Each quest has a unique theme. Click on the corresponding icon to complete each task.

Hover the mouse to view the description and click on the image to enlarge it.

Ed.Puzzle Source Limitations and Benefits: The playlist includes two brief videos featuring a variety of questions throughout. Enter Class Code CEGUNRA

Experience Bingo in a new way! Correctly answer the question and place a treasure chest on a space that matches the color on your question card. Strategically position your pieces to see how many turns it takes to fill your board.

Click to Enter Class Code NY294F. This activity features two passages. To access the audio, click on the play button in each passage's top left corner.


Click the link above to view the text in a new window. Click the speaker above to hear the audio of the text.

Authors adeptly choose and organize words to enhance their writing, establish the tone, and engage readers. To spark readers' creativity, authors utilize eloquent language and vivid sensory descriptions.


  • gain a deep appreciation for the author's linguistic choices and their significant impact on the reader's engagement and understanding of a text.
  • skillfully recognize and analyze specific instances in the text where the author's language brilliantly illuminates elements such as tone, mood, point of view, and characterization.
  • understand the profound influence of language acquisition on the larger narrative, highlighting its invaluable contribution.

By the end of the unit you will...