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A desert island

Adventures on


Notes about the island

Use it with caution


This is the story compared between Robinson Crusoe and Chuck Noland from the film 'Cast Away'.

Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe and it is based to the real story of Alexander Selkirk, a seamen who was put on the desert island of Juan Fernàndez. As the same as Alexander, Robinson wrecked on a desert island while he was searching for some African slaves that they could cultivate his tabacco's plantations.



The main background of the novel is the English Illuminism in which man, by working, becomes the owner of what he creates. As just said Crusoe belongs to the middle class which his father praises as the 'BEST STATE IN THE WORLD' that makes humans more happy, not exposed to the miseries and hardship, etc....


Who is Robinson Crusoe?

Robinson Crusoe was a middle class man, son of a lawyer that wanted Robinson to become a lawyer too. But the truth was that Robinson wanted to travel, so he leaved his family and lived a lot of adventures. When he headed towards the Brazilian colonies and bought the tabacco's plantation, he relised that he needed slaves to cultivate; so he decided to leaved toward Africa but unfortunately he wrecked on a desert island where he spended 28 years - 2 months - 19 days.


How did he organize his life on the island?

Thanks to some objects founded on his boat, Robinson manages to create a home and a life like the one he had in England, demonstrating that with ingenuity, rationality and a spirit of enterprise, adversity can be faced. The Bible will also be of great help to him when Nature puts him face to face with many difficulties. This will help him understand whether God agrees with his choices or not.


While he was on the island he tried to find a way to survive and he started drinking coconut's milk and step by step he started fishing too. As Robinson did, Chuck decided to use his intelligence to create a decent life on the island until he found a way to escape. When he landed on the island some of FedEx boxes went down with him, so he decided to open these boxes and he found some things like: ice skates and a ball that he dirty with his bloody hand.


Who is Chuck Noland?

Chuck Noland was an operations dirigent of the FedEx who was engaged with a beautiful woman, Kelly and with her lived in Memphis. One day he had a work to Maleysia during the Christmas period, but due to bad weather, the plane crashes on a desert island.


How did he organize their life on the island?

The role of Friday and Wilson


Friday is a native whom Robinson saves from a cannibalism ritual. He is an uncivilized man and so Robinson helps him to be more civilized, helps him learn English and converts him to Catholicism. Even though they seem like good friends, Robinson only considers him a slave because he will always prevent him from using his instincts.

The role of Friday and Wilson


For Chuck, Wilson is his trusted friend, who helps him fight loneliness even though he couldn't speak. Although he was now tied to this "friend", when he lost him at sea he tried in every way to save him but without success.

The two stories end almost the same: Robinson, after saving his friend Friday's father, manages to rout an English vessel and, taking command, leaves the island. Upon returning to England he discovers that he has become rich thanks to his tobacco plantations. The film Cast Away, however, ends with Chuck who, now exhausted, on a raft in the middle of the ocean, is saved by a container ship. When he returned to America everyone thought he was dead, including his girlfriend, who in the meantime had moved on and had a daughter. Despite this, however, the love they felt for each other was still alive in them.

The conclusion of the two stories.

Wow, you got it!

These two stories made me understand how the human intellect can be so advanced that it can help us during difficulties. Both Robinson and Chuck taught us that in life even though it seems that things are not going the right way, in reality we just need to stop and find a solution, trying anything, because man, in order to save himself, would be capable of do everything.

Wow, you got it!