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wHy do many people want to start their own business?

Top 5

Satisfaction of Something new

Making difference in the world

Starting a business comes together with personal growth

Desire to help others achieve their goals

Desire to be indenpendent is a main reason people start a business

Desire to be independent is a main reason people start a business

While being a business owner comes with increased responsibility and risk, it also gives you independence and flexibility. You can not only follow your passion but also choose your own working hours, place of work be in control of your own future

Satisfaction of doing something new

Doing something new inspire people to be more creative and learn new things to achieve their goals. Starting your own business allows you to experience loads of new first times.

Starting a business comes together with personal growth

Being an entrepreneur means you are always learning and improving. You need to understand every aspect of your business, work with different departments, follow trends and find the best way to promote your business

Desire to help others achieve their goals

When you start a business, you get a chance not only to achieve your own goals but also to help others to achieve theirs.You can support your employees by providing career opportunities, help your customers by providing your expertise or even collaborate with other business to help them fullfil their ideas.

Making difference in the world

Whether it's a services that can help people sove their problems, a product that can be used in everyday life or even donating some of the profits to the charity

These are great ways to give back yo your comunity

Enterpreneurs are blessed with the gift of being able to make a difference

What are the advantages and drawbacks of doing this?

  • No certainty that customers will purchase what you offered.
  • See your dream become a nightmare.
  • Responsability of all decisions
  • Financial Risk
  • Numerous roles, whether you like it or not.
  • Time Commitment
  • Stress and health issues.