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Drag these interactive markers to identify your four Bonnie and Clyde stops

Summary: Clyde mastered driving a car to get away from police officers. He met up with Raymond to try and bust Bonnie and Fults out of jail. Later, at a party, Clyde and Raymond shot a few enforcement officers who suspected them of drinking. Theme Connection: People were very anti-law enforcement. Blumenthal writes, "Clyde and Raymond had promised to 'fight to the death,' Dyer said," (Blumenthal 67). Clyde, Raymond, and the others hated the law so much. They believed that it was unfair, and they made it their mission to go against it. Primary Source:

Summary: Cumie and Blanche were able to get Clyde and Buck out of jail. Bonnie, Clyde, Buck, and Blanche stayed at an apartment for ~2 weeks. They were able to relax and play games. Officers came up to the house and started to question the guys when they saw them. They got into a shootout, and everyone left the apartment. Theme Connection: This section is about love. The family was able to have fun. "It must have felt luxurious compared with prison, the Barrows' crowded home, or living on the road," (Blumenthal 99). The family stayed in a place where they could relax. For the first time in a while, they could play card games and sleep on nice beds. Primary Source:

Summary: Bonnie and Clyde recruited W.D. who helped them with their missions. W.D. idolized Clyde and had always wanted to go on those crimes. They stole cars together and killed people. Theme Connection: This section is about loyalty. The three people are going on crimes together and W.D. remains loyal to Bonnie and Clyde. The book says, "...W.D. begged Clyde to take him along," (Blumenthal 88). W.D. was very interested in the style of life that Bonnie and Clyde had, probably because of the thrill. He wanted to accompany him on their crimes. Primary Source:

Summary: They went to visit family, kidnapped Officer Jones, took his car and went to another place. There, they stole cars, had car chases. Theme Connection: Law enforcement was a big issue during these times. It wasn't as strong, especially because it was during the Great Depression. The book says, "In 1932, local police couldn't pursue criminals...across city, county, or state lines..." (Blumenthal 69). The police did not have too much power and the states weren't really working together to arrest criminals. Primary Source:

Eastham Farm, Texas Prison System Summary: Clyde was arrested for burglaries and thefts in three different towns. Clyde was originally held in jail in Waco, TX before being transferred to Eastham Farm. Theme Connection: Clyde was assigned to Camp 2 at Eastham Farm prison. The treatment of prisoners between 1930 and 1932 was harsh, violent, and inhumane. Food was scarce and often rancid as, "food vendors often dumped their spoiled goods on the prison" (Blumenthal 39). Additionally treatment in the prison was harsh and violent. Clyde's sister recollects once when she visited him and "both her brother's eyes were black and blue" as he had been beaten on multiple occasions for not keeping up and breaking rules (Blumenthal 40). The work the prisoners were expected to do was oftentimes extreme and "dozens of Eastham prisoners, suffering from exhaustion.... cut their own Achilles tendons to get a break from the fields" (Blumenthal 44). After working with another prisoner to cut off two toes, Clyde's sentence was shortened, however the harsh conditions in prison left a mark on Clyde and he remained resentful for the rest of his life. Primary Source:

Describe how Hoover's administration handled the Great Depression below.