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Uterus & Cervix


Mammary Tissue


Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Metabolism Source
  • Embedded/ Close Proximity to the Thyroid

  • Parathyroid Hormone: Calcium metabolism through increasing calcium blood levels

  • Rickets: Deformed/ Wekened bones due to a lack of Vitamin D causing less calcium to be absorbed

Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Regulates metabolic practices

  • Thyroid Stimulating Horomone (TSH): Produces Thyroxine/ maintains homeostasis
  • Thyroxine: Made with tyrosine & iodine, comes in two forms- T3 (active/ potent form of the horomone) & T4 (active at tissue level), thyroxine increases metabolic rate, contraction, temperature and oxygen consumption. Also stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue and contributes to protein synthesis
  • Calcitonin: Regulation of calcium levels (antagonist of parathyroid) by reducing osteoclasts


  • Hypothyroidism: Thyroxine Deficiency; metabolism slows. Hair, coat, or skin problems. Alopecia or a skin infection
  • Hyperthyroidism: Excesssive Thyroxine; Common for Elderly, weightloss, abnormal appetite, excessive urination, active, rapid heart rate, diarrhea, & vomiting

Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Filtration

  • Somatropin: Growth for muscle and bone tissue, increases protein synthesis, and stimluates liver to make somatomedin (bone and cartilage grower)


  • Jaundice: Yellow complection due to bilirubin in the blood because the liver couldn't process the blood properly as it breaks down


Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


  • Blood sugar balance

Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Insulin & Glucagon: Controls blood sugar levels
  • Tripsin: Protein break down

  • Diabetes: Animal consistently had high blood sugar causing the pancreas to deteriorate; signs are polydipsia & polyuria
  • Hypoglycemia: Insulin overdose that could case a coma; signs are lethargy, weakness, and uncoordinated muscle movement



Horomones excreted & Function

  • Milk expulsion

What it does

Mammary Tissue

  • (PL) Oxytocin: Stimulates mammary gland ducts

  • Mastitis: Infection that causes the mammary gland to swell, inhibiting the release of oxytocin/ milk

Controlled by- Posterior Lobe

  • (AL) Prolactin: Prepares mammary gland ducts for milk production & signals for it to start making milk

Controlled by- Anterior Lobe


Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


  • Makes urine
  • Removes waste

Controlled by- Posterior Lobe

  • (PL) Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): Regulates urine formation & water reabsorbtion, constricts atrioles to increase blood pressure, and causes the distal tubules in the kidneys to be water permeable
  • (AL) Aldostrone: Increase sodium ion reabsorbtion for more water to be in the bloodstream
  • (AL) Renin: Accelerates angiotensin and releases aldosterone which increases blood pressure
  • (AL) Erythropoietin: Stimulate bone marrow in production of RBC's

  • Diabetes Insipudus: Always thirsty, excessive urine, dilute urine, and incontinent

Controlled by- Anterior Lobe


Horomones excreted & Function

What it does

Adrenal Glands

Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Controls heart rate and blood pressure

  • Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH): Regulates adrenal glands, stimulates adrenal cortex to produce Aldosterone which controls blood pressure & urine producion as well as Cortisol which stimluates the liver to make fat & protein into glucose
  • Adrenal medulla releases Epinephrine (adrenaline) and non adrenaline which are used during stress periods; causes increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Adrenal cortex makes Mineralocortids & Glucocortids for androgens and estrogens to be produced

  • Porcine Stress Syndrome: Genetically transmitted myopathy that occurs when they are very stressed

Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • (AL) Lutenizing Hormone (LH): Signals ovulation/ corpus luteum which produces progesterone (pregnancy maintainer)
  • (AL) Follicle- Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Regulates estrous cycle & stimulates follicle formation producing estrogen
  • (H) Gonadroptin- Releasing Hormone (GnRH): Maintains the normal estrus cycle

  • Egg Formation

Controlled by- Hypothalamus

Horomones excreted & Function

  • Parturition/ Birthing process

What it does

Uterus & Cervix

  • Oxytocin: Contraction of smooth muscle tissue & helps the dialation of the cervix

Controlled by- Posterior Lobe


Horomones excreted & Function

What it does


Controlled by- Anterior Lobe

  • Lutenizing Hormone (LH): Stimulates interstitial cells in the testes to make testosterone
  • Follicle- Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Controls sperm production in the seminiferous tubules

  • Sperm Producion

  • Macroorchidism: When the patient has abnormally large testes

Provides a link between nervous and endocrine systems


  • Connected to the pituitary via the posterior pituitary gland (They are connected by Axons)
  • Produces several releasing & inhibiting factors through a venous portal system

Divides into the Posterior and Anterior lobe

Pituitary Gland

  • Posterior lobe is connected to hypothalamus
  • Anterior does the most work
  • Related to all the hormone secretions of the endocrine glands

  • Cholecystokinin (CCK): Stimulates pancreas and gallbladder to release digestive enzymes
  • Secretin: Helps bile production thrugh sodium bicarbonate
  • Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP): Slows stomach activity

Cups the bottom of the pancreas & secretes 3 hormones aiding in digestion

Duodenum (AL)