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Grade 8

Study Guide

Hola chicas, vamos a repasar todo lo que hemos aprendido para este semestre para que estemos listos para el examen

Por dónde empezaras

verb IR - To go

Places around town

Las Preposiciones

The verb 'ir'

Haz clock para ver

Haz click para practicar

Práctica mas difícil

👁️OJO👁️ Remember when two verbs go walking, the FIRST ONE is conjugated and the second one remains INFINITIVE

Do you remember how it is conjugated?

Ir is an IRREGULAR verb that means TO GO in Spanish





¿adónde vas?

It is not enough to only know the NAME of the place in Spanish, you must also be aware of the GENDER. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT

How many places around town can you name?



las preposiciones

Haz clock para ver

Haz click para practicar

Práctica mas difícil

Always know from which POV you are giving firections. Where is the destination in relation to where you are standing?

The noun that comes AFTER the preposition determines whether its DE or DEL

Some prepositions have "de", while others do not





¡Muy bien! ¡Chaito!

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